Plant Identification

  • Pinus
  • Pinacaeae
  • Gymnosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Hard Pines
    . Needles are usually in fascicles of 2 or 3 with the sheath generally persistent. The cross-section of the needle shows 2 vascular bundles. Cone scales are usually thick at the apex and generally armed. Wood is generally hard with an ubrupt transition from early to late wood.

  • Red Pine (P. resinosa)
  • Pitch Pine (P. rigida)
  • Jack Pine (P. banksiana)
  • Longleaf Pine (P. palustris)
  • Shortleaf Pine (P. echinata)
  • Loblolly Pine (P. taeda)
  • Slash Pine (P.elliottii)
  • Virginia Pine (P. virginiana)
  • Table Mountain Pine (P. pungens)
  • Ponderosa Pine (P. ponderosa)
  • Jeffrey Pine (P. jeffreyi)
  • Lodgepole Pine (P. contorta)
  • Digger Pine (P. sabiniana)
  • Scotch Pine (P.sylvestris)
  • Austrian Pine (P.nigra)
  • Mugo Pine (P. mugo)