While the Mice were Away... 


CRAP "Tails" from Miss Vickie

CA CRAP - Cairn Rescue Annual Party or Cairn Regalia and Promenade
May 13, 2005 - May 15, 2005

Thu, 12 May 2005


Ding dong the rats are gone...so lets all sing the happy song,

We'll auction Joanie's stuff, and show BBB in the buff! 
arooo, anon not going to crap...in ca anyway!

Vickie and Chance NOT AT CRAP


Thu, 12 May 2005
Crap report via phone

7:29 in GA, Monika calls, they arrived and the plane all applauded
when they got off, the most frequent quote was rom Mo "put it on my
tab", I asked to speak to Bridgett who adopted my baby Aubie and asked
how he was, she said "WHO"...uh oh...much laughter...Beaver was fine,
he is awaiting his meeting of his new Mom...the Damyell.  Phantom will
not be known until Sat...OK...UPDATE..just got off phone again, they
hooked up with kathy Rudy, on the way to supreme leaders now.  "They"
said to tell all the orgie starts at ten, I am only the
messanger...Corinne has surprise T-shirt she will be wearing (no
puppies included)...okay, all out from here...auction tomorrow of
monika's angel collection, Mo's mom (again), Corinne's bra's (in case
of someone in need of new homesite)...Kathy Rudy's computer (it is
full of sh..) and Bridgett's Aubie aka Dougie...I will get him
back...oh yes....and Joanies purple and orange bra and panties but you
must take LSu season tix along with them...we may have to pay
someone...over and out good buddies...git 'er done

Date: Sat, 14 May 2005
Update from CA

Just called Monika and woke her up, told her Kathy Garris offered her
angel collection for auction, report is Beth 4275 (with the Herbs)
asked what CP would do if someone runs off with cp pup Cruz...she is
under surveillance.  Joanie has already snatched Georgie, she is
hopeless, she has new plan on bidding on Mo cards, I am going to take
her out!  Danielle has been up a while and is having fun, no sign of
Georgie and Joanie this am.  Joanie's purple and blue LSU bra and
panties up for bids, starting at $10, and you must take the set of
season tix to game also.  Vickie


Date: Sat, 14 May 2005
Monika's angel collection for auction
For any new people, or old (ha..that don't remember), when the rats
are away at crap, the mice will auction off treasures...I bid $40 on
Monika's beautiful angel collection from around the world.  Corinne's
bra is available, but I have something to carry my firewood in,
Joanie's apiked heels may be available soon as she has trampled down
Danielle's yard chasing Georgie (I hear he did not run fast), for a
ten thousand dollar donation to cp I will send Corinne's photo taken
in the bathroom in available bra and panties...(OMG), "they" (meaning
MO) auctioned off my husband last night and Kathy Rudy got him...oh
baby...get ready girl!  What a hunk of burning love! Vickie...oh..any
takers on Corinne's bra???????

Date: Sun, 15 May 2005

Update crap via phone

Monika called, all having blast, Dierdre in Arizona got an owner
surrender on Tues, took him to CA with her, now he is returning with
her, she said "Baily" adopted her.
I cannot beleive Danielle let the Beaver go up for auction...but
Georgie got him and will be most happy living with Georgie and Joanie
Rackstraw in Louisiana.
Bill Starks is the Phantom...what a dude!  Even his wife Jan and
daughter Kim did not know!
Yes, Joanie did a table dance (OMG)...
The stuffed cairn went for over $100, he was the Beaver's travel buddy.
Karen Parrot was the auctioneer extroidinaire...
Danielle's home is stunning!!!!!!!
The bid on Monika's angels are up to $100...
Sandy in TX may try to leave with Reiver, Cruz has more bids on him
than the Beaver or Joanie...

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005
Crapless Beaverless Vickie here

Wow, glad y'all thought about me, and I have my check in the mail for
$195...I'm not mesing with the Smokin Stalker aka Kathy Garis, and I
should have been fined for all I said cause I could not go!  Sister
Bubbles?????  waiting for answer?
Monika was fined $20 for faking a german accent, and lucky me, I got
TWO CARDS for $100...I want to know what Joanie got other than
Georgie. AND...did she get the LSU mug (actually Auburn Tiger mug, ha!)
The puzzles in german directions, I look forward to, be ready to visit
your suite Monika and help, however I am leaving tomorrow for a week
so I need an extension of time..I know..I will be fined!
I have a SHOCKING photo of Corinne Mo took if cp needs $$ we can
blackmail her.
Since the rats were away, I posted frivolous photos on crm, I shall
behave now unless you want to see my beautiful doggies or yard.


Monika's Angel Collection went for $100 and the winner was Danielle
the Supreme Leader.  NO BIDS on C's bra or Joanies purple and blue LSU
bra and panties...must have been that you MUST take the LSU season tix
with them.  I still await photos of her table dance.
Bill Starks, the Phantom...who would have guessed?  Even his family
did not know!

  Love from Vickie Chance (wanna see it) and Daisy 

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005
Kathy Rudy...photo Doc
Well I humbly apologize to Mo, so it Was Ruthless Rudy Psycho Doc who
took this thing?  That is the reason for door locks!  If the stuffed
Beaver brought $310, and the Stuffed Cairn brought $100...should we be
in Beaver Rescue also, and if you have not seen Kathy Cable's
birthday  photo of Skeeter, you must demand she post it, too cute!!!  
Sister Bubbles...(Carol) where are you?  Did you hang around slut
puppy Joanie too much?  Did BBB have the big a$$ purse he bought while
poor Joanie was in the hospital?  And why was Georgie wearing Joanie's
red tube top???  Inquiring minds want to know...

Date: Tue, 17 May 2005

I called and reported a fire on Tradewinds Dr Sat night, what did you
do with them, was Joanie missing?  Feet photos??? Where else does
Georgie put his socks?  You are all shocking, bad girls, go sit in
corner...oh wait...that's Jopanie still there with Georgie.  Did Kathy
Garis have her cig hanging out of her mouth threatening people, she
scared little ole me in Biloxi and NH. 

The Challenge of the Puzzles


OUR DEAR FRIEND MISS VICKIE *THE BEAVER BUTT* WATSON . . . we MISSED YOU GREATLY this weekend.  YUP, we did.  You have NO IDEA how often your name was mentioned . . . won't say HOW OR WHEN <grin>.
George wanted me to tell you that getting your Beaver for $310.00 was a BARGAIN!  . . . . OH, and he ALSO told me that when I bid for things at auction, that I AM NOT supposed to JUMP UP and say "I'll PAY ANYTHING for the Beaver".  He told me I was supposed to look coy and say "WHO WOULD WANT THAT DOG TOY. . . . VICKIE'S BEAVER OR NOT", and then jump in when the bid got to five bucks . . . SOME PEOPLE are just slow learners <giggle>.
OH, HOWEVERSOME . . . . getting BACK to the ***WE MISSED YOU*** part Vickie.  WE REALLY DID.  Your name was mentioned quite a lot this past weekend.  IN FACT, YOU owe Col. Potter $195.00 IN FINES for what YOU WOULD HAVE SAID THAT WAS FINABLE IF YOU WERE HERE.  OH HUSH NOW, YOU are getting off easy.  IF YOU were TRULY HERE, it would have been a lot MORE in fines, and YOU KNOW IT.  You got fined by us all.  YUP, we know the comments YOU WOULD have made at opportune times, so when this happened, we said $5.00 BUCK FINE FOR VICKIE.  The Smokin' Stalker kept track, and we KNOW how honest and professional Kathy Garis is.  Don't feel bad. Kathie Rudy was close to your record.
OH . . . AND ONE OTHER THING. . . WE MISSED YOU, I MEAN REALLY MISSED YOU.  Since you SHOULD have been here, you missed out in the participation of Monika bringing candy all the way from Germany for us all.  These are Kinder Uberaschung cholocate eggs.  Inside these eggs, there is a plastic disc similar to the plastic eggs we put candies in at Easter.  These plastic eggs have a toy inside of them that you assemble like a little puzzle.  YUM on the chocolate . . . and EVERYONE here put their puzzle together.
Well . . . being the piglets that we are . . . we can't send you the chocolate . . .it's GONE.  WE ARE SENDING YOU THE PUZZLES.
They will be mailed to you tomorrow.  OH, did I say MAILED WITH A POSTAL TRACER so we KNOW what day and time you got this?  NOW . . . . WHY WOULD WE DO THIS?  Well . . . . we KNOW you would have wanted to have been here.  George and I feel SO GUILTY for bidding $310.00 on Woody Wackstraw.  WE KNOW that he is a Watson family member, and you SURELY would have bid this $310.00 amount if you were here, KNOWING our orphan dogs need shoes.  THEREFORE, everyone here decided to give you 24 hours to put the puzzles together, and photograph them.
Monika said that SHE KNEW you would gladly include the $310.00 beaver puzzle fine along with your $195.00 MOUTHY fine if you couldn't put the puzzles together within this 24 hours <hee hee>. 
Here are the instructions and safety warnings, AND NO FAIR asking anyone for help:
Konig Blick und sein Gefolg.  Lesen und aubewhren:  Warnhinwels nicht fur kinder under 3 jargen kleintelle verschluct older eingeatmet weden konnen.  Uberwachung durch Erwachsene ratsam.
