Page 5 - Photos & Updates

                                                 Pictures from Kim Starks

These are of Danielle opening the charm bracelet that was given to her and
George being a good sport and sporting a red tube top and getting crown king
and being given power over Joanie for 24 hours.

Infamous BIG ASS PURSE ----------------------------->

Pictures of the Mo bookmarks
I won. 
I won all 3 sets,
Boy was my mom pissed. 
The bookmarks are a new item from Mo and unveiled
for the very first time at CA-CRAP


Fun on day 2

ok.. where to start...
Danielle and George have a gorgeous home that could almost qualify as a cairn museum... Great Cairn pics and statuary...  the back yard is a sight to behold.. large fenced areas for the dogs to romp and play.. but separated from where you go in and out.. litterally 3 gates for the little boogers to go thru.

We started the day perusing the sales tables.. lots of prints, cairn and non cairn items, many are donations.. some are from our Ebay team that haunts late nite auctions for terrific deals (thanks Kim, Denise and Claudia) ... Get to buy raffle tix for quilts... and afghans... and the dollar raffle bags... lots of cool stuff there.

One of the most fun things is talking to folks FACE TO FACE.. did lots of that..  then lunch was served... we had a mexican lunch... tostadas..   its a salad adn was just right for the warm day.   then I did the crochet class.. and Pat Mck and Karen P did the grooming class...

Dinner was quite exciting... Joanie came out all in red including ruby slippers and did a striptease.... does taking a poncho off but leaving a long sleeve shirt and pants count as a striptease..
then in response.... George came out with a red tube top... and wow was he built.. ok, he stuffed his TUBE TOP wit socks.. haahahahhahahahaha what a sport...

Dinner was bbq chicken and steak... yum yum.. oh and the cake with strawberries was yummy!!!!!

on to the raffles... then the auction.... would you believe Mo could get someone to buy a rubber chicken for $45... she DID.. she's that good...

A highlight of the auction was when she auctioned Vickie's Beaver.... there was a hot (and raucous) fight between BBB and George.. who eventually paid $310 for Woody Wackstraw.. complete with  magnolia bandana...

Danielle will have to tell how much we did when we were done.. but my buddy Basil (of the Herbs) almost outbid me for a hummel with a cairn on it... but he let me have it.... what a sweetie.. i miss my woofies.

we had 54 items in  the dollar raffles.. that took forever..except when i was winning...

Monika got the Golden Acorn.. for all her work on intakes.. and Judy was presented with a lovely plaque for Camp Lone Star.  Carol blessed the animals... and I've missed about a zillion fun things that happened.

Mo and I left around 11 pm last nite.. so we crashed...
I have pics.. but havent checked them yet...

we are due back around 930.. so I'd better get Mo up

                                               More Photos From Corinne!


In the hotel: Lorraine R., Monika and Cruz
Mo - can we go now?
Monika and Cruz

