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  Lovely Photos from Claudia Yeager-Smith

 (Honey Girl's Mom)

Things I learned at CRAP (by Basil Blamble)

Just wanted to let everyone know that CRAP is a great learning experience.  For instance, I learned:
1. That hotel room rugs make great chew toys <G>

2. I am tall enough to look out the hotel room window if I stand on my hind legs

3. You can get lots of great treats

4. It is really dark under the seats of airplanes

5. If you look really really cute while sticking your head out of sherpa bags people will feed you french fries.

6. Lizards make great toys (of course I don't think the lizard thought so)

7. Those ratty looking things in the desert really move fast

8. If you cry real sad like, Mom will hold you and give you treats

9. Portable crates are not escape proof and can be destroyed

10.  Most importantly ... I can lift my leg!!!!
Basil from NJ

Things I Learned at CRAP-by Eleanor Grace Ferris

1.  First class isn't just for people anymore.  I got to ride round trip under  one of those cushy leather seats and smell some really great food.  I would have been happy with a french fry.
2.  Yacht rides touring the San Diego Bay are not just for high rollers!  Not only was I treated to a two hour tour of the bay, but a news team from San Diego even interviewed me and my people!
3.. That lots and lots of people were really blessed to see me, they all remembered me before my "makeover" 
4.  Many kisses were given and received, dogs and folks just can't get too many!
5.  Most of all, I learned what it means to be a Colonel Potter Kid! And what a blessing to meet so many of those who played a part in my rescue and
choosing my mommie and daddy for me!
Eleanor Grace


