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                                                                           Virtual Tour of Danielle & George's House 

Tales from Mo:

You will note that there are no incriminating pics of me - ha - I was so well behaved this time - okay, I was just a tad naughty, just figured that being more than 3000 miles from home that it would be difficult for my daughter to bail me out.
The weather in CA was wonderful, I love HOT and it was just that, but we had a lovely shaded spot to sit in and talk.  And talk we did, it was non-stop and there were times I cried from laughing so hard.  Especially when the shy, quiet Auntie Karen P took over from me at the end of the live auctions.  If only we had videotaped that!!!!!!!!!  There was so much shopping it was hard to control myself, I came in just a tad over budget - just enough that I had to go to Target and buy another suitcase.


Danielle and George were spectacular as host and hostess and her home is to die for!  Her fur children are wonderful and I got a chance to see what a Cairn looks like when groomed correctly.  I loved getting to meet all the west coast people and Lorraine from Canada was a blast.  I dumped what little money I came home with into my big piggy bank to start saving for the next one.  Next time, Lord Stanley is coming.  He is currently in 7th heaven with the boat load of new toys I brought home.  Hopefully Bridget has now recovered from her driving experience with Corinne and I.  Who knew she could scream like that!  And a bunch of us have discovered the elephant retirement home and we think it might be suitable - never did get the brochure tho :)  And as for Sister Bubbles, we what can I say, you just never know what will come out of her mouth next and she smiles so innocently too.
Thanks for the amazing time, I just need to rest up - I counted up the round trip miles and it was just a tad shy of 7400 miles - whew!  But I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Mo and the Most Amazing CT fur herd

Julie Rackstraw and PROUD DAD George


No dogs allowed in the front yard - it kills the grass!


"Car Port" with Fabulous gate cover. 


Front of Dog Room with chairs & grooming table
The Kid's DOG ROOM - 12 crates
The front half has the two chairs and table with the grooming table
Located right next to the Family Room

New Family Members making themselves at Home

Whelping/Boarding Room
Family Room with the most amazing Cairn Collection in the World


The cabinet is Danielle's "pride and joy" and contents will go to CP some time soon
