Plant Identification

  • Pinaceae
  • Gymnosperms
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  • FOR 21
  • Picea

    . Includes about 40 species generally restricted to cooler portions of the Northern Hemisphere (about half the species are native to China); 7 species are native to the U.S. Twigs have distinct sterigma and grooves separating sterigma; bark scaly; generally intolerant; important for lumber and pulp.

  • Red Spruce (P. rubens)
  • White Spruce (P. glauca)
  • Black Spruce (P. mariana)
  • Blue Spruce (P. pungens)
  • Engelmann Spruce (P. engelmannii)
  • Sitka Spruce (P. sitchensis)
  • Norway Spruce (P. abies)