United States Society for Ecological Economics

Working Papers

This section highlights USSEE members pre-publication working papers in ecological economics. The aims to give the authors feedback from the membership via via a direct email contact. This is NOT an alternative means of publishing rejected papers from journals. All papers submitted must be completed drafts.

Submission Guidelines:
Papers may be submitted any time, but will be posted at the USSEE web-site at least 3 times a year. Periodically an email will be sent out to USSEE members soliciting new submissions. Submit an abstract and the full paper as a PDF or Word document to Barry Solomon. All approved papers will be posted online.

The Review Process:
Working Papers will be reviewed by members of the USSEE Board of Directors, as appropriate, to ensure that they fit into the field of ecological economics and its trans-disciplinary approach and advance the educational and research missions of the USSEE. If you have questions please contact Barry Solomon.

To post a comment on a paper please email comments@ussee.org or better yet and when available, send your comment directly to the author whose contact information can be found at the top of each paper.

March 2006
The Real Economy (pdf)
by Robert Costanza, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont
Check out more

November 2005
Reevaluating Wind Energy Industrial Development in the Mid-Atlantic (pdf)
by David Riposo, Department of Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Science, University of Maryland.

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