United States Society for Ecological Economics


Please visit these other areas for more information on the topic of ecological economics.

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Society for Conservation Biology

Association of Environmental & Resource Economists

International Society for Industrial Ecology

Liphe4 (International Society for Sustainable Science)

The Integrated Assessment Society

American Fisheries Society

The Wildlife Society


Ecological Society of America

Estuarine Research Federation

American Society of Limnology & Oceanography


"Ecological Economics"

Journal of Bioeconomics

Land Economics

International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics

Inderscience Journals in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development

Inderscience offers several journals at a disounted price. The price is $100 for a quarterly on-line, $150 for journals published 6 or 8 times a year, and $200 for a monthly. For a personal printed subscription the postage cost will be added. Please mention the discounted USSEE subscription offer in any communication with the publisher.

International Journal of Sustainable Development
International Journalournal of Environment and Sustainable Development
International Journal of Green Economics
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
International Journal of Water
International Journal of Environment and Pollution
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
International Journal of Global Energy Issue
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
International Journal of Emergency Management

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