United States Society for Ecological Economics

Student Members

Message from the Student Board Member Inês M. L. Azevedo

It is with great enthusiasm that I take on the role of USSEE Student Board Member. My main goal will be to very actively encourage the participation of the USSEE student members in the society.

I plan to create a student blog to promote students’ discussion on topics of general interest and also to continue the work from the previous student board member, Michael O’Hara, by actively maintaining the USSEE yahoo group. We’ll include on the group an extensive list of ecological economic undergraduate and graduate courses in US universities. Please join us at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/USSEEstudents/
More generally, I hope to promote interesting networks and communication bridges between the student members and the remaining members of the USSEE.

Don’t forget to submit your papers before February 15th for the USSEE New York City Conference, in June 23-27! There will be a Best Student Paper and Best Student Poster awards, for the fist time at USSEE, as well as reduced registration fees for students. This is a unique opportunity to interact with professional within the fields of Ecological Economics and Sustainability!

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning student membership or initiatives, please contact me at: iazevedo@cmu.edu

Inês M. L. Azevedo
Carnegie Mellon University

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