United States Society for Ecological Economics


2007 ANZSEE Conference - Reinventing Sustainability

The Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics would like to invite you to their 2007 conference– “Re-inventing Sustainability: A Climate for Change" in the Sunshine Coast of Australia. The conference takes place on the 3-6th of July with abstracts due on the 9th of March.

It is now 20 years since the publication of Our Common Future launched the idea of 'sustainable development' and called for integrated approaches to the relationships between societies, economies, and environments. While 'sustainability principles' are now embedded in law and policy frameworks at local, national and international scales, 'sustainability practice' remains elusive. Dramatic changes in trajectory are required over the next 20 years to reduce pressures ecosystems, avoid dangerous levels of climate change, and address poverty and disadvantage.

The conference will unpack the nature and scale of the sustainability challenges, showcase the types of analysis and understanding that are required to address them, and highlight practical ways in which sustainability might be reinvented so that it moves from rhetoric to reality.

For more details and to register go to the ANZSEE website.


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