
Proposals in archive:(2003)

1. Call for Proposals for Summer Research Support for Faculty at Baccalaureate Colleges in the VGN Beginning in Summer 2003. Click here
    Deadline: February 14, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

2. Call for Proposals for Summer 2003 Research Internship for Undergraduate Students at Baccalaureate Colleges in the VGN. Click here
    Deadline: February 14, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

3. Call for Faculty Proposals for Small Equipment and Collaborative Research 2003. Click here
    Deadline: April 1, 2003, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

4. Call for Proposals for Baccalaureate Faculty or Undergraduate Students Travel, 2003. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

5. Call for Proposals for UVM Faculty Travel, 2003. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

6. Call for Proposals for UVM Graduate Student Travel, 2003. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

7. Call for Proposals for Mini-grants for use of UVM facilities for Faculty at UVM and Baccalaureate Colleges in the VGN. Click here
    Due Date: October 15, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

8. Call for Faculty Proposals for Small Equipment. Click here
    Due Date: October 15, 2003 by 4:00 pm
    Download the application: Here

9.Call for Proposals for Faculty Summer Research. Click here
     Due Date: December 2, 2003 by 4:00 pm
     Download the application: Here

10. Call for Proposals for Student Summer Internship. Click here
     Due Date: December 2, 2003 by 4:00 pm
     Download the application: Here

Proposals in archive (2002) :

1: Call for Faculty Proposals for Summer Research Support and Sabbaticals. Click here
    Deadline: February 15. 2002
2: Call for Proposals for the First, Summer 2002 Undergraduate Research Internships. Click here
    Deadline: February 15. 2002
3: Call for UVM Faculty Proposals for Graduate Student Assistantships
    and Mini-Grants for Use of Facilities 2002 . Click here
    Deadline: April 1, 2002 by 4:00 PM
4: Call for Faculty Proposals for Small Equipment and Collaborative Research 2002 . Click here
    Deadline: April 17, 2002 by 4:00 PM
5: Call for Proposals for UVM Graduate Student Travel. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2002 by 4:00 PM
6: Call for Proposals for UVM Faculty Travel. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2002 by 4:00 PM
7: Call for Proposals for 4 Year College Undergraduate Students and Faculty Travel. Click here
    Deadline: May 1, 2002 by 4:00 PM