Call for Proposals for the First, Summer 2002
Undergraduate Research Internships

This is an invitation for proposals for the first, Summer 2002 Undergraduate Research Internships, part of the $6M, three year grant awarded by the Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network Program (BRIN) creating the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN). The due date for applications is February 15, 2002.

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is a collaboration among the University of Vermont and four baccalaureate schools focusing on the broad area of genetics across the state. Students from Middlebury College, Norwich University, St. Michael's College and Johnson State College are eligible to apply. Two different internship programs are available. Each internship program will provide a $2,500 stipend to a qualified student.

Internship Options

1.      Work at your home institution with a faculty advisor during Summer, 2002. A $2,500 stipend will be provided for 10 weeks of full time research.

2.      Work at UVM with a research advisor. A $2,500 stipend will be provided for 10 weeks of full time research.

How to Find a Mentor

To find a research advisor at your home institution, if you are not already working on a research project, please contact:

§         Johnson State College, Dr. E. Dolci,, 635-1482 Bentley Hall, #302

§         Norwich University, Dr. J. Byrne,, 485-2312 Provost's Office, Jackman Hall or Chemistry Dept., Math & Science Building.

§         Middlebury College, Dr. J. Larrabee,, 443-5453 Bicentennial Hall or Franci Farnsworth,, 443-5889 Munford House

§         St. Michael's College, Dr. Doug Green,, 654-2391 Cheray, 313F

§         See the web ( for more information. All areas of science, mathematics, and computer science research are appropriate.

§         To find a mentor at UVM or to learn about potential laboratory matches, please contact the VGN web site ( or call the VGN for more information on the lab of interest 802-656-4087.


Application forms are available on the Applications page in this web site or through the VGN office (see below). Applicants will be judged on project descriptions, grades (especially in science courses) and mentor statements. Project descriptions must be written by the undergraduate applicant, although a mentor may help to edit it. Deadline for applications is February 15, 2002.


Contact us at or call 802-656-4087.