Call for UVM Faculty Proposals for Graduate Student Assistantships
and Mini-Grants for Use of Facilities

The newly established Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is supported by a $6M, three year, NIH Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network Grant. The VGN is a collaboration among the University of Vermont, Johnson State College, Middlebury College, St. Michael's College and Norwich University, to develop science infrastructure and also the careers and training of faculty and students in science. Information on how you can participate in this program is listed below. You may also visit our website for more information about our activities.

Who is eligible?

§         UVM tenure track faculty members, who are working in the broad area of Genetics

§         Junior faculty will be given first priority

§         Application forms are on our website, and checklists are given below

§         The deadline for both Assistantship and Mini-Grant Applications is April 1, 2002 by 4:00 PM

§         A requirement of receipt of the assistantship or Mini-Grant is that the faculty member join our Mentoring Core

Graduate Student Assistantships

§         There will be 6 awards of approximately $22,000 each for one year of graduate student support

§         The student's advisor must apply (see application forms on web)

§         More senior students will be given priority; Ph.D. students given priority over MS

§         We anticipate similar numbers of awards will be made in 2003 and 2004

§         A requirement of the receipt of these assistantship funds is the submission of a federal grant application by the faculty advisor within 6 months of the end of the assistantship

Research Support: Mini-Grants for Use of Facilities

§         There will be Mini-Grant awards made for 2002 for the use of UVM facilities

§         The use of the funds must be outlined and justified as part of the application

§         There is no set amount for the Mini-Grant, but we expect 4-5 grants to average to be about $3,000

§         We anticipate similar numbers of awards will be made in 2003 and 2004

Application Review

§         A committee of faculty members from the VGN will review the applications and make their recommendations to the VGN Steering Committee.

§         Notification of the outcomes of the applications should be available by April 15, 2002


For UVM Faculty Applications for Graduate Assistantships

§         Application cover page

§         Research Project Description including student's role and contribution to the faculty member's research (2-3 pages)

§         Curricula Vitae of advisor and student (2 pages each)

§         Current and Pending Funding of advisor

§         Transcript of the student

§         Description of student's requirements for degree and current status

§         Signatures of Applicant and Chair on cover page

For Mini-Grant applications for Use of UVM Facilities

§         Application cover page

§         Research Project Description (2 pages)

§         Include in Project Description how the UVM facility will be help accomplish this research

§         Budget for facility use (1 page)

§         Curriculum Vitae of faculty member (2 pages)

§         Current and Pending Funding of faculty member

§         Plans for future funding

§         Signatures of Applicant and Chair on cover page

Return original application (no extra copies) to:

Vermont Genetics Network
of Vermont
120A Marsh Life Science Bldg.
Burlington, VT 05405


§         Call: (802) 656-4087

§         Email:

§         Web: