Call for Faculty Proposals for Summer Research Support
and Sabbaticals

The newly established Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is supported by a $6M, three year, NIH Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network Grant. The VGN is a collaboration among the University of Vermont, Johnson State College, Middlebury College, St. Michael's College and Norwich University to develop science infrastructure and also the careers and training of faculty and students in science. Information on how you can participate in this program is listed below. You may also visit our web site ( for more information about our activities.

Faculty Research

Johnson State College, Middlebury College, St. Michael's College and Norwich University faculty are encouraged to apply for one of the following two options. (You may not apply for both in the same year).

§         Summer Research for 2002

§         Sabbatical Support, for sabbaticals beginning in summer 2002

Application forms are on the Applications page in this website, and a check list is given below. Application deadline for both programs is February 15, 2002

Eligibility Requirements

1.      Faculty members who are full-time tenure track at Johnson State College, Middlebury College, St. Michael's College or Norwich University.

2.      Disciplines include mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biology

Sabbatical Support

§         You may request up to $20,000 in sabbatical support

§         There will be 3 sabbatical awards made for 2002

§         The funds can be used for salary, supplies or small equipment, and use of the funds must be outlined and justified as part of the application

§         We anticipate similar numbers of awards will be made in 2003 and 2004

Summer Research Support

§         You may request $10,000 for summer support

§         There will be 7 summer support awards made for 2002

§         The funds can be used for salary, supplies or small equipment, and use of the funds must be outlined and justified as part of the application

§         We anticipate similar numbers of awards will be made in 2003 and 2004

Application Review

§         A committee of faculty members from the four year institutions will review the applications and make their recommendations to the VGN Steering Committee

§         Notification of the outcomes of the applications should be available by March 7, 2002

Additional VGN Research Opportunities


§         Your students are eligible for individual summer internships of $2,500

§         Their application procedure is separate and is described on our web page

§         These applications are due February 15, 2002

Small Equipment, Development of Collaborations with UVM Faculty or use of UVM Facilities

§         Separate calls for application for funds will be sent out early in 2002