Banner image of a Vermont landscape sunrise over mountains and farm fields with the words Violence Prevention and Response Toolkit written across the top of the image

The Violence Prevention and Response Toolkit will feature a collection of videos, infographics, and other engaging media resources carefully crafted to inform and educate the wider community on eleven vital topics related to violence prevention and response. The proposed Toolkit holds significant relevance as it aligns with raising societal awareness and efforts to help local communities gain a deeper understanding of the signs that may indicate someone is moving towards violent behavior and recognizing the nature of targeted violence and terrorism threats. The development of these media assets is expected to be completed by the summer of 2024.

The final Toolkit will feature 11 videos each with a length of 60-90 seconds. The topical areas currently planned are:

1. Situational Awareness
2. Recognizing Concerning Behavior
3. Hate and Bias Incidents
4. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
5. Recognizing Crisis (mental health & self-harm)
6. Threats or Suspicious Communications (when you receive one)
7. Suspicious Packages (recognition and reporting)
8. Safety Planning
9. Reporting Concerns (Include Calling 911)
10. Active Threat Response (What can you do and what to expect)
11. Security 101 (Keeping facilities safe – close it, lock it, don’t prop it)

For each video a separate infographic will also be developed for use in print campaigns, social media distribution or via the web. The whole toolkit will also include topic overview sheets which will contain recommendations of how best to deploy each asset. It is intended the Toolkit will be designed in a matter that would allow it to be used in a number of diverse environments – from higher education to private industry.

To realize this project, we have established a strategic partnership with the following organization to execute and expand its scope:

  • The Grant Team is delighted to announce our partnership with Burlington's Urban Rhino for the development of the toolkit. Together, we are committed to crafting a comprehensive and impactful resource.