Report a Concern

Welcome to the UVM Unified Campus Reporting Portal. In the event of an emergency or any serious concern for safety call 911 immediately.  If on campus, contact Police Services at 802-656-3473.

Immediate Support

Immediate Resources

Crisis Text Line


If you are in crisis text "VT" to 741741 and a trained counselor will respond.

Confidential Support Services


Each member of the UVM community has a shared responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy campus. Early recognition and intervention when there are concerns, large or small, is essential.  Campus safety is enhanced when community members identify and report issues of all types, including behavior of concern, in a caring and timely manner.

Early identification of concerns enables early intervention to more effectively address issues, including risks and behaviors that are threatening or significantly disruptive to the learning, living, and working environment.

Concerns can come in a number of forms, on a number of topics, ranging from emergent issues - which should be reported via 911 immediately - to a number of other categories listed below. Some concerns may be operational, such as suggested process improvements to the way the university functions. Every member of the UVM community is encouraged to make constructive suggestions for operational innovation.

Our goal is to encourage reports of concerns to improve operations and to intervene swiftly, ensuring accountability and enabling the ability for early intervention at the lowest possible level to repair and prevent further concerns/harms.  You may or may not know what category a report might fall into.  That is ok.  If you do not know how to categorize a report, simply choose the "I don't know/Other" selection below.

For additional details about reporting threats and concerning behavior visit  threat recognition and reporting.


Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Report


Academic Integrity

All suspected violations of the Code of Academic Integrity (plagiarism, fabrication, collusion and/or cheating) must be reported using this form.

Make an Academic Integrity Report

Student Conduct

A Student Conduct Report documents potential violations of the University policy, including the Alcohol, Cannabis, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use Policy for students, the UVM Hazing Policy, the Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy, the Student Organization Misconduct Procedures, and the Code of Academic Integrity. If you have witnessed an incident which you believe has violated University policy, fill out and submit an incident form. Realize that your report, including your name, will become available to the respondent during any resulting conduct meeting.

Make a Student Conduct Report

Terms and Conditions Violation

All who work, live, study, teach, do research, conduct business, or participate in the University of Vermont community are part of the University by choice. By making that choice, each of us agrees to contribute to an educationally purposeful community, which by virtue of its composition and conduct prepares us to live in a diverse and changing world. Visit ResLife Policies for more information on The Residential Life Housing and Meal Plan Contract Terms and Conditions.

Make a Terms and Conditions Violation Report

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Report


It is the policy of the University of Vermont (UVM) to comply with all U.S. laws and regulations relating to the provision of equal access to those with disabilities, and to provide reasonable and effective accommodations that enable qualified UVM students, employees and, where applicable, members of the public with disabilities, equal access to its programs, services, activities, and information. See UVM's Accessibility Policy for more information.

If you have comments, concerns, or complaints about any experience with accessibility at the University, complete the Accessibility Feedback and Barrier Report Form.  You will receive an initial response within 5 business days.

If your concern is time sensitive or if you need assistance completing this form, contact the ADA/504 Coordinator directly at or (802) 656-7753.

If there is a grounds, custodial, or facilities barrier that needs immediate attention, contact SOS in Physical Plant at or (802) 656-2560.

If there is a facilities barrier in a Residence Hall that needs immediate attention, alert the front desk staff.  If it is after 4:30 pm, alert a member of the Residence Education Team.

Bias, Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Report


UVM encourages UVM students, staff, and faculty who have experienced an incident of bias, discrimination, or harassment, including sexual misconduct (sexual assault, relationship violence, gender-based stalking, sexual exploitation) to report the conduct to UVM using this form.  Staff in the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (AAEO) will provide information about support resources and options for investigative and restorative resolutions and empower those involved to determine the path that’s best for them. Supportive measures are available regardless of an individual’s desire to pursue a resolution process. We also encourage you to consider reporting criminal conduct to UVM Police by calling 802-656-3473

Additionally, if you are a Mandatory UVM Reporter, see UVM Reporter Policy, you must report all incidents of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct, involving a UVM affiliate (student, staff, faculty, other) or occurring within the context of a university program using this reporting form.

Make a Report

CARE (Student Support Need) Report


Occasionally, members of our community find themselves or others in need of additional help and support. Use this form to share concerns about a student. Examples include: Struggling academically, Mental health problems, Physical health problems, Family crises, Personal challenges, Academic or work absenteeism, and Substance use problems or concerns. If you are concerned about a UVM community member or are concerned about a specific event, we encourage you to submit a report below. You may find students of concern helpful when submitting a report.

Make a Report

Crime Report (Including Clery Direct Reporting and Hate Crimes)


To report a crime on campus, contact UVM Police Services at 802-656-3473.  All reports made to UVM police are automatically classified as Clery reports when appropriate.

Alternatively, if you are a UVM Reporter as defined by the UVM Reporter Policy and have become aware of an alleged crime occurring on or near UVM property, use this form to report the incident to UVM Police. If you have become aware of an incident but are uncertain whether is criminal conduct, report the information that you have.

UVM Reporters include but are not limited to: employees responsible for security and public safety; supervisors, managers, and higher level employees; chairs, directors, or deans of academic units; all full and part time faculty members; personnel with oversight responsibilities for students or student employees; advisors to recognized student organizations; coaches and coaching staff; and any other individuals identified by UVM and given notice that they have mandatory reporting responsibilities under the Clery Act.

Additionally, report the crime to Police Services by calling 802-656-3473.

A special note about hate motivated crimes. A hate crime is a criminal offense against persons or property that is motivated by the victim’s actual or perceived membership in a protected category. Hate crimes are defined by Vermont law at 13 V.S.A.§1455.  Again, report to UVM Police at 802-656-3473 (or 911 if an emergency exists) as a first step.  AAEO is also available as a resource, at 802-656-3368 or

Make a Report

Compliance and Ethics Report


One element of an effective compliance program is to have and publicize a system, which includes an anonymous reporting mechanism, whereby employees may report or seek guidance regarding compliance with regulatory requirements, laws, policies, and procedures, without fear of retaliation. At UVM, employees (faculty, staff, administrators, temp employees, and graduate students) are able to report violations to UVM’s Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards, UVM Policies or Procedures, as well as any other compliance concerns through the Ethics and Compliance Reporting and HelpLine (the HelpLine). The HelpLine portal identifies a number of types of issues that may be reported. You may want to visit UVM’s Institutional Policies and review applicable policies prior to reporting.

The HelpLine portal identifies a number of types of issues that may be reported including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Financial misconduct including fraud, bribery, theft, embezzlement, bribery and kickbacks.

  2. Non-compliance with laws, rules, and regulations.

  3. Employee issues such as discrimination, harassment, nepotism, retaliation, unfair labor practices, and unprofessional behavior.

  4. Non-emergent safety concerns such as workplace violence, unsafe workplace, and laboratory safety.

  5. Conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment.

  6. Privacy and information security concerns such as unauthorized access to, or use, and disclosure of personally identifiable, confidential, or regulated information or misuse of UVM’s information systems.

  7. Research issues such as research misconduct, misuse or personal use of research funding or facilities, and treatment of animals.

  8. Unauthorized or illegal use of UVM’s intellectual property such as copyrights, patents, and trade secrets.

Make a Report

Human Resources (HR) Report


Reports of concern to Human Resources could include a variety of things ranging from concerns about employee conduct to concerns about wellbeing.  Through 2023 the Human Resources team plans to build a form-based report option. Until then, we ask that you report these kinds of concerns by calling Human Resources at 802-656-3150.

Injuries, Incidents and Claims Reports


It is everyone’s responsibility to promptly report any accidents, injuries, incidents of concern or damage to property to Risk Management in a timely fashion. In the event of an emergency, call 911 or contact Police Services at 656-3473 if you are on campus.

All injury reporting forms should be completed and emailed to:

The State of Vermont requires employee injuries to be reported to the Department of Labor within 72 hours. We appreciate your assistance in helping UVM comply.

Visit Risk Management Incident Claim and Reporting to report:

  • Work-related Injury of UVM Employee
  • Injury of Students and Non-UVM Affiliates
  • Automobile Accident Involving a UVM-Owned or Leased Vehicle
  • Property Damage
  • Reporting of Concerns, Near Misses or Other Incidents

Near Miss Reports


All are encouraged to report incidents; near misses; situations that may involve unsafe conditions; violations of the University’s Code of Business Conduct, other policy standards, or legal requirements; and any other concerns about safety or risk at UVM. A near miss is defined as an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Reporting near misses is key to preventing future incidents.

Report near misses to:

I Don't Know/Other Types of Reports


In the event you are not sure how to characterize a concern or where to report it you have a number of options:

  1. Contact Police Services by phone at 802-656-3473.
  2. You can email Compliance and Privacy Services at
  3. Text a report using the LiveSafe app. For more information or to download the app visit CATSafe.
  4. Make a written online report using the button below.

Make a Report

With each option, a team member will review your report and forward it to the best resource or provide you with additional guidance.


Tips for Faculty and Staff Regarding General Concerns or Issues and Disruptions


Our core mission is to create new knowledge and to innovate. This core tenet applies to our operational philosophy through Our Common Ground Values. Responding to internal concerns in a timely and effective way is essential to creating a healthy and responsive place to work, live, and learn. Additionally, a timely and effective response can help minimize distractions and disruptions that can be a side effect of growing concerns about operational issues.

Any member of the faculty or staff may become aware of complaints or concerns. If that occurs it is important to:

  • Immediately report any safety or security concerns to campus police or as directed by the details on this reporting portal.
  • If operational in nature, swiftly acknowledge the concern and inform the concerned party or parties that you will bring their concern forward. Be sure to gather as much information about the concern as possible.
  • Immediately notify the leadership team in the affected department or division of the concern and who to direct follow-up outreach to. Forward any communication regarding the issue for review.
  • If unit leaders are approached about concerns, listen and guide students or employees to constructive avenues to bring their concerns forward, including offering to facilitate bringing the concerns forward. Please do not sign documents related to concerns.  If asked to do so, please ask for a copy to review.
  • Unit leaders should inform their Division Leader of any information related to potential campus disruption, such as protests/demonstrations or any activity that may interrupt operations.

If a disruption occurs in a classroom or work location, consider the following:

  • Notify police services immediately if there is a safety concern.
  • Re-direct - “We are well off course for today, let’s bring it back to the original question . . .” “We are a little far afield, let’s move on to . . .”
  • Reiterate (Warn) – “Ok, student, that is enough on that issue for today. You are interrupting in a way that is not acceptable. Please stop or I must ask you to leave for today.”
  • Remove – “You are being disruptive. Please leave so we may continue our discussion.” (Schedule office hour appointment to discuss re-entry and set clear expectation)
  • Recess – “I have asked you to stop and then to leave. You continue to persist. We will pick it up here next time. Class is dismissed for today.” (Schedule office hour appointment to discuss with the student)
  • Document Disruption and Response – Share this in writing with the student (e.g. send follow up email to office meeting).
  • Engage Support – Consult with Student Services and consider: Having the Chair or Associate Dean meet with the student to reinforce expectations; Submitting a CARE Form and requesting intervention assistance; Engaging Academic Dean if other interventions have failed. If appropriate, the Dean can consider an alternative path to course completion where a student’s presence in class is no longer tenable. *Please consult with General Counsel’s Office; Refer for Discipline – If conduct has necessitated removal or recess, submit an incident report to the Center for Student Conduct.             

Note: Absent a decision to suspend or dismiss a student, CSC cannot remove a student from class.

For additional detail please refer to the policies on Free Expression & Campus Disruption as well as Campus Speakers.

Employee Rights in Reporting Workplace Hazards and Concerns


If an employee believes a hazard exists, that employee should report the hazard to their direct supervisor. If no action is taken to correct the situation, the employee should notify Risk Management directly at or (802) 656-3242. An employee has the right to file a complaint and request a VOSHA inspection if they believe there is a serious hazard or their employer is not following OSHA standards; however, the employee should make a ‘good-faith effort’ to have the hazards corrected by a supervisor or other UVM entity first. Risk Management personnel are available to help resolve safety problems and to interpret VOSHA regulations for all departments. Complaints from workers or their representatives are taken seriously by VOSHA and will keep the information confidential and can be filed at VOSHA's website.

In case of an impending VOSHA inspection, an employee may accompany the VOSHA compliance officer during the inspection. Risk Management personnel should also accompany the inspector.

An employee may also file a complaint with VOSHA if s/he believes s/he has been discriminated against because of exercising any of these rights.

These and other stipulations are contained in the VOSHA regulations, copies of which can be obtained through the Department of Risk Management or OSHA.