Type of Degree


School or College

College of Education and Social Services

Area of Study

Education and community

Program Format

On-campus, Full-time

Credit hours to graduate

120 credits

“I appreciate the opportunity to learn from and grow with my peers, and I've made lifelong friends along the way. I also made valuable connections with each of my professors and feel fully supported and cared for by each of them." – Evelyn Monje '24

Program Overview

Our nationally accredited Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program prepares you for professional practice in a variety of settings. Your will connect classroom learning with community-engaged experiences that require extensive self-reflection, processing and engagement. 

If you’re interested in understanding and working with people and communities based on people's strengths and guided by principles of human rights and social justice, then our program is great fit for you.

Student engages with young children at the King Street Center in Burlington.

Interactive Coursework and Field Experiences

  • Coursework includes case studies, simulated exercises, role play, presentations, and more. 
  • Actively engage in a variety of service-learning and field experiences through a variety of community-based social work settings.
  • Meet and learn from social workers in a variety of professional roles.

Tight-Knit Learning Community

Student smiles during a group activity with his social work (BSW) cohort.

Our students and faculty work together closely to better understand the complexities of the profession and strategize ways to address and express our commitment to making a difference on local, national and global levels.

Your Cohort: Connection, Community and Support

During your junior and senior years, you will learn through a cohort model with your BSW peers as you progress through your social work courses together. You and your learning colleagues will continue fostering collegial relationships with each other and with faculty in a more informal gathering. 

Together, you will grapple together with social issues and policies, developing theories and skills to impact change that improves the lives and relationships of vulnerable and marginalized people and diverse communities.

Field Education: Internships

Social work intern Franky Bahati works with youth during an after school mentoring program at Winooski Middle and High School.

In your senior year, you will apply your learning through a supervised field-practicum (internship) of 15-20 hours per week over two semesters (450 total hours) in a professional social service setting. You will also participate in a field seminar on campus discussing internship experiences and learning with students in your cohort.

Learn more about Field Education

Social work students clapping as they enjoy a senior celebration group activity

Personalized Advising and Mentoring

You will always have a home base on campus. A full-time faculty member will serve as your academic adviser throughout the entire program. You will meet regularly with your advisor to discuss courses, field experiences, and your ongoing development in the profession of social work.

Meet Our Faculty

Study Abroad Opportunities

Engage, learn and share with other cultures through study abroad options in Finland, Costa Rica, Portugal (Azores Islands), and other countries around the world. UVM's Office of International Education provides a full range of resources and support to help guide you.

Contact Us

Reach out to our Student Services Office. We would love to hear from you!


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Success After Graduation

  • 98% of graduates in the College of Education and Social Services were employed or continuing their education 6 months after graduating
  • 94.5% of grads were satisfied or very satisfied with their full-time position.
  • 98.5% of grads said their field of employment is somewhat or closely related to their career goals.