News: Department of Social Work | Department of Social Work | The University of Vermont(title)

Striving to improve lives and strengthen communities for a more humane and just society.

Recent News


Pursuing Their Dreams and Fulfilling Our Mission

Collage of 12 undergraduate and graduate students surrounding the UVM 2024 banner hung in front of Waterman Building.


Transformative Social Work Book Depicts the Power of Curiosity, Mindfulness and Change

Danielle Jatlow smiling on the University Green


UVM Partnership Program Grows Into Service Learning Course


Inspired to Serve

Evelyn Monje at her mobile social work desk at the South Burlington Public Library.


Celebrating Accessible Art and Disability in Vermont with the CYCLES Exhibition

A pale-skinned college aged woman in a pink tshirt and white turtleneck gestures excitedly at a small framed painting of a supernova in reds and yellows on a black background.


New Faculty Bring International Perspective and Vermont Expertise to UVM Social Work Programs

Simon Chan and Cassie Gillespie


Celebrating the CESS Class of 2023

Collage of CESS Class of 2023 graduates


Complexity, Curiosity and Creativity

JB Barna speaks at the CESS Commencement Celebration


Paying It Forward

Franky Bahati works with Winooski High School student


UVM Appoints Katharine Shepherd as Dean of the College of Education and Social Services

Katie Shepherd


University Scholar Lecture Series - Jan Fook, Ph.D., FAcSS


Social Work Professor Leads Research on Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

Jennifer Putney


UVM Internship Partnership Develops Geriatric Social Workers to Support Aging Population

Emily Mars Raymond, Jason Garbarino and Janet Nunziata


Celebrating Student Success

Molly Wagner, Ali House, Sandra King, and Taylor Mullen


Social Work Cohort Fosters Trust, Knowledge, and Growth

Students in UVM's Class of 2022 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) cohort on the front steps of Waterman Building.