Office of Admissions Preferred Pronoun/Name Use | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Vermont(title)

Lived (Preferred) Name

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions requests students to provide a lived name on all information request forms (online and on-paper). Your lived name will be used throughout the admissions process, and will remain should you become a student at UVM. Below is how our office utilizes lived name. If at any point during the admissions process you would like to change your preferred name, you can do so through your application status page or by emailing our office at

  • In all email communications to the student
  • In all email communications to the student's family
  • In all print communications
  • In the address of all mailed (print) communications 
  • On the student's applicant status page

Preferred Pronoun 

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions requests students to provide a preferred pronoun throughout the admissions process so that we are best able to communicate with you and your family in way that honors your identity. Below is how our office utilizes preferred pronoun. If at any point during the admissions process you would like to change your preferred pronoun, you can do so by emailing our office at

  • In all communications (email and print) to the student 
  • In all communications (email and print) to the student's family