Bedrock Geologic Map of Vermont (2011, scale 1:100,000) |
Centennial Geologic Map of Vermont (1961, scale 1:250,000) |
Earth Science Picture of the Day |
Natural Resources Canada - Earth Sciences |
Geoscientists Explore the Earth | Vermont Geological Society |
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (The Earth Institute at Columbia University) |
Smithsonian Institute |
The Journal of Geology |
The Landscape Change Program (Perkins Museum of Geology, UVM) | Topo Maps |
U.S. Geological Survey | Geology Research and Information | Vermont State Minerals Information |
University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology | Tour of Geologic Time |
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources | Vermont Geological Survey |
Vermont Center for Geographic Information |
Vermont Marble Museum |
Middlebury College: (2019-2020 TBA) |
University of Vermont: Fall Seminar schedule (Spring 2020 TBA) |