Vermont Genetics Network    
Bioinformatics Core Mentoring Core Microarray Facility
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VGN Events - 2003

2nd Annual Retreat (August 13, 2003)

2nd Annual Career Day (April 16, 2003)

VGN Events - 2002

1st Annual Retreat (August 14, 2002)

1st Annual Career Day (April 13, 2002)


The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN)
2nd Annual Retreat
August 13, 2003
Judy VanHouten

     The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) 2nd Annual Retreat was held on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at Clarion Hotel in South Burlington.

     After the "meet and greet"session, the day began with a welcome from VGN Co-Directors, Christopher Allen, PhD and Judith Van Houten, PhD.

Chris Allen

     The following faculty members from the University of Vermont as well as faculty from VGN's partner colleges gave presentations describing their VGN funded research:

    University of Vermont
  • C. William Kilpatrick
  • Matthew Poynter, PhD
  • Laurie Whittaker, MD
    St. Michael's College
  • Malcolm Lippert, PhD
    Middlebury College
  • Sunhee Choi, PhD
  • Robert Cluss, PhD
  • David Parfitt, PhD
  • Grace Spatafora, PhD
David Parfitt
      After a short break, the keynote speaker of the day, Dr. Cynthia McMurray of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, delivered a presentation titled "Hijacking of Mismatch Repair to Cause the Trinucleotide Expansion Mutation." Her presentation drew the highest praise from all in attendance

     A delicious buffet lunch was next on the agenda. After lunch, Ahmad Chaudhry, PhD, Microarray Facility Director, and Timothy Hunter, Microarray Facility Manager, updated the guests about the progress of the Microarray Facility. Many VGN funded researchers are currently using the facility for their research.

Next on the agenda was Jeffrey Bond, PhD, Bioinformatics Core Director, who gave an overview of the VGN Bioinformatics Core. During his presentation, Dr. Bond showed the guests how to access the Biodesktop; the program where microarray data is stored and analyzed.


     The final activity was the poster presentation. The following persons presented posters depicting their VGN funded research: graduate students, Byron Barton, Yan Liang, and Sederick Rice of the University of Vermont; faculty members Richard Bunt, PhD and Sallie Sheldon, PhD from Middlebury College; William Karstens, PhD and Mark Lubkowitz, PhD from St. Michael's College; and Alan Howe, PhD from the University of Vermont.

     The Retreat ended with awards given to the graduate students who presented posters. In addition, Dr Van Houten gave a sincere thank you to Dr. McMurray and all the faculty who gave presentations about their VGN funded research.


For more information about the Vermont Genetics Network, please contact the VGN office at:

(802) 656-4087
Contact VGN - BRIN at


Vermont Genetics Network
2nd Annual Career Day
April 16, 2003

Panelists.jpg - 22703 Bytes On April 16th, VGN hosted its 2nd Annual Career Day in the Billings Student Center at the University of Vermont. Science oriented students from UVM, Castleton State College, Johnson State College, Middlebury College, Norwich University and Saint Michael’s College were invited to attend. Faculty members from the same colleges were invited to attend as well.
This year, we hosted an evening event that began with a buffet dinner. Before and during dinner, the newly funded Summer Intern undergraduate students from the Career Day Audience1.JPG - 18671 Bytes various colleges had an opportunity to meet their VGN graduate, medical or post doctoral student mentor. Although most of the student interns will be doing their research at their respective institutions with a research advisor, all felt that it will be very beneficial to have the help of a UVM mentor as well.

After dinner, the group gathered in the Marsh Lounge to listen to a panel presentation. The presentations focused on the career paths that each panelist followed to arrive at their current careers.

The panelists were:

Marilyn Cipolla, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
University of Vermont
Robert Long
Graduate Research Assistant
Fish and Wildlife Institute, UVM
Johanna Polsenberg, PhD
Marine Ecologist
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
Steven Shapiro, MD
VT Deputy Chief Medical Examiner
VT Department of Health
Elisabeth Wegner, MD
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Vermont

The presentations were excellent and the guests were encouraged to ask questions of the panelists. The students were impressed with descriptions of what each panelist experienced before reaching their current career.

Career Day Dinner1.JPG - 17785 Bytes The evening was a huge success and we look forward to working with these promising, science students throughout the summer.

Please mark your calendar for the next important VGN gathering - the 2nd Annual VGN Retreat. The event will be held on Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at the Clarion Hotel in South Burlington. Also, look for periodic announcements about the Retreat.

If you would like additional information about the Vermont Genetics Network, contact Teri Hart, VGN Project Coordinator, at (802) 656-4087 or by email at

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN)
First Annual Retreat
August 14, 2002

     The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) held its first annual Retreat on August 14, at UVM’s Marsh Hall. The purpose of the Retreat was to bring together students and faculty from UVM as well as other VGN associated colleges; Johnson State College, Middlebury College, Norwich University and Saint Michael’s College.

     VGN Co-Directors Christopher Allen, PhD and Judith Van Houten, PhD welcomed the guests, summarized selected achievements of the first year including the establishment of the microarray facility and officially kicked off the Retreat! One of the highlights of the day was the presentation of talks and posters by the VGN-funded undergraduate students, who summarized the summer research they had done.

     First prize was awarded to Andrea Klayman
and Kate Saltstein of Middlebury College, who

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did research on“Hormonal Stress Response in Adult Mice to Determine the Effects of Maternal Separation”. David Parfitt, PhD served as Andrea and Kate’s mentor this summer. Second prize went to Julie Nicole-Fylling of Johnson State
pich1.JPG - 16912 Bytes College, who gave a presentation on her research topic “Linking Alzheimer’s Disease to Notch Signaling”. Julie worked at the University of Vermont over the summer with Rae Nishi, PhD who served as her mentor. Congratulations go to all of the students on the outstanding job they did with their summer research! .

     Next on the agenda was a three part session. Four groups of students were taken on a tour of some of the following UVM science facilities: the Microarray facility, the DNA Analysis facility, the Flow Cytometry facility, the Life Science Computer Center, the Molecular Modeling facility, the Cell Imaging facility and the Center for X-ray Crystallography. Many thanks

go to the following lab directors, who conducted the tours: Ahmad Chaudhry, PhD, Mark Rould, PhD, Doug Taajes, PhD, Ramiro Barrantes-Reynolds, Timothy Hunter and Scott Tighe. The tours were intended to introduce the students to what types of services are available at UVM.

     The Faculty attended a Bioinformatics workshop given by Jeffrey Bond, PhD, and Director of the VGN Bioinformatics Core. Dr. Bond gave an overview of the Bioinformatics Core and its services to VGN faculty and
students. In addition, VGN faculty gave their input on what types of educational workshops they would like to receive from the Bioinformatics Core.

     Following the workshop was a networking session directed by Dr. Allen inviting VGN faculty to share their comments, suggestions and ideas on how the Vermont Genetics Network can facilitate research partnerships between faculty at higher educational institutions across the state. We invite faculty from all colleges to continue to share their comments. Contact us at

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picb1.JPG - 13884 Bytes      At 12:30, everyone met back in Marsh Dining Hall and a buffet lunch was served.

     The featured guest speaker of the day was William Bress, PhD, DABFT, Chief of Environmental Health and Toxicology/State Toxicologist with the Vermont Department of Health, who gave an “eye-opening” presentation on “Bioterrorism Issues Since 9/11”, a topic on which this country must become more educated. Dr Bress answered the many questions from the enthusiastic crowd.

     The Retreat wrapped up at 2:00 pm with a sincere thank you from

VGN Co-Directors Christopher Allen and Judith Van Houten.

For more information about the Vermont Genetics Network, please contact the VGN office at:

(802) 656-4087
Contact VGN - BRIN at

Go to: Retreat Poster and Presentation Information
Go to: Retreat Attendees

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN)
1st Annual Career Day
April 13, 2002

On April 13th, VGN hosted its 1st Annual Career Day in the Billings Student Center at the University of Vermont. Science oriented students from UVM, Johnson State College, Middlebury College, Norwich University and Saint Michael’s College were invited to attend. Faculty members from the same colleges were invited to attend
meetandgreet.jpg - 20993 Bytes as well.

The morning began with refreshments and a “meet and greet” session. Many of the students in attendance had received Student Summer Internships from VGN to do summer research with a faculty member at their respective institutions or at UVM.
In addition, VGN matched a UVM graduate student mentor with each undergraduate and they were able to meet each other in person at Career Day.

The group then gathered in the Marsh Lounge to listen to a panel presentation. The presentations were excellent and the guests were encouraged to ask questions of the panelists.

Invited guests to speak to the group about their own careers in science were:

• Elizabeth Allen, PhD Director of the Cytogenetics Laboratory Fletcher Allen Health Care
• Eric Buel, PhD Director, Vermont Forensic Laboratory Department of Public Safety
• Sunhee Choi, PhD Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Middlebury College
• Charles Goodnight, PhD Professor, Department of Biology University of Vermont

The presentations were excellent and the guests were encouraged to ask questions of the panelists

All in all, the morning was quite a success.

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Lunch followed in the “round room” at Billings. The students and mentors had additional time to get acquainted. The morning was topped off for the students with tours of their mentor’s labs.

All in all, the morning was quite a success and we look forward to working with these promising, science students throughout the summer.

The next VGN gathering will be on Wednesday, August 14, 2002 for an all day Retreat which will be held in the Marsh Dining Hall in Marsh Hall. So mark your calendars. Also, look for periodic announcements about the Retreat on August 14th.

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If you would like additional information about the Vermont Genetics Network, contact Teri Hart, VGN Project Coordinator, at (802) 656-4087 or by email at

University of Vermont
120A Marsh Life Science Building
Burlington, VT 05405-0086
(802) 656-4087
(802) 656-0242 - Fax

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Contact VGN - BRIN at Vermont.GeneticsNetwork@uvm.e