Bioinformatics Core

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is funded by a three year award from the National Center for Research Resources, and is part of the NIH initiative called Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (BRIN). VGN is a collaboration among the University of Vermont, and five baccalaureate colleges throughout the state of Vermont to build critical mass and infrastructure in the broad area of genetics; to increase competitiveness of the new genetics faculty at UVM and the baccalaureate schools; to increase the number of undergraduates, who go on to biomedical careers from the baccalaureate colleges; to create a human network, support it through electronic communications, and make it sustainable; to provide a new bioinformatics capability in the state; and to increase the diversity of biomedical scientists.

The Bioinformatics Core of the University of Vermont provides bioinformatics resources for research and education.

Bioinformatics Core Staff
Jeffrey Bond
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont
Rama Kocherlakota
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont
Anjanette Watson
Department of Biology
University of Vermont
Ramiro Barrantes-Reynolds
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont
Bryan Fleming
Department of Biology
University of Vermont
Steve Feehan
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
University of Vermont