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Computational Biology Home

Review of Basic Chemistry

Review of Bioorganic Chemistry

Review of Molecular Biology
Introduction to Genomics
  • Features of genomes
    • coding DNA
    • non-coding DNA
    • Teleological Implications
  • Definitions of the Gene
  • Genomics
    • comparitive
    • functional
  • Genome sequencing projects
  • Bioinformatics (data bases and annotation)
  • Proteomics
  • Structural Biology
  • Phylogenetic Analysis and Evolution
Some Basic Tools for Computational Biology
Search Techniques for the WWW
    • Bare bones of computer searches
    • Search Engines for the Web

    Excel Tutorial
ENTREZ and the NCBI Data Bases
  • Introduction
  • OMIM
  • The Bookshelf
  • The NCBI Nucleotides Data Base
  • The NCBI Protein Data Base
  • The RCSB Protein data Base

NCBI Genome Database and Genome Maps
  • Sequencing and Mapping
    • Gene nomeclature
    • Low resolution mapping
      • recombination mapping
      • break point mapping
      • radiation hybrid mapping
    • High Resolution mapping
      • STSs and ETSs
      • BACs and YACs
      • Sequencing and Contig Assembly
      • Annotation
  • ENTREZ:  Genomic Biology and Map Viewer
    • Organism Resources
    • Map Viewer
      • Genome-wide searches
      • Chromosome-specific searches
        • Maps available

        • Map queries
    Chromosome Launchpad


Sequence Alignments
  • Theory of optimal alignments
  • Application of Dynamic Programming
  • Matrices of log-odds scores (substitution matrices)
  • Statistics and Significance of the Alignment
  • Computer applications of Smith-Waterson Algorithm
    • LALIGN
    • FASTA
    • PRSS
    • Ndjinn
    • BLAST
  • Analysis of myoglobins with Biology Workbench
  • BLAST Project
Biology Workbench Nucleotide Tools
ORF Finder
Restriction Sites
PCR primers  (Primer 3)
Protein Structure databases and Molecular Modeling

Motifs, Fingerprints and Families of Proteins PROSITE

  • PFAM
  • SAPS
CHIME  Tutorials / Molecular Modeling with RasMol
  • Introduction to CHIME:  DNA
  • Introduction to CHIME:  Hemoglobin
  • PIR and PDB
  • RasMol
Other Structure Viewers
  • Protein Explorer
  • CD3
  • VAST
Comparative Genomics, Phylogeney and Evolution

Protein Analysis Project


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Version 1.0, July 14, 1998.