[C]ulture [is] a pursuit of our total perfection by means of getting to know, on all the matters which most concern us, the best that has been thought and said in the world.

-- Matthew Arnold, 1869

Roll over Beethoven.

-- Chuck Berry, 1958

Literary and Historical Roots

  • Matthew Arnold, excerpts from Culture and Anarchy.
  • Lawrence Levine, excerpts from “Highbrow/Lowbrow: The Creation of Cultural Hierarchy in America”

Early Syntheses

  • Marshall Sahlins, “La Pensée Bourgeois: Western Society as Culture,” in Mukerhi and Schudson (eds.), Rethinking Popular Culture: Contemporary Perspectives in Cultural Studies, 1991, pp. 278-290 (originally from Sahlins, Culture and Practical Reason, 1976, pp. 166-178).
  • Raymond Williams, “Culture,” from Marxism and Literature, 1978.

Possible books to review: Williams’ Long Revolution; E.P. Thompson Making of the English Working Class; Herbert Gans, Popular Culture and High Culture: An Analysis and Evaluation of Taste (Basic Books, New York, 1974).