
Committees are composed of elected Staff Council Representatives and volunteer participants. Membership is open to staff, faculty, retirees, and students. Participation on a Staff Council Standing Committee is a great opportunity for those who wish to expand their knowledge of the University while working to address the needs and concerns of staff. Each Committee has a distinct area of focus to provide effective advocacy on specific issues, and provides opportunities for multiple opinions and views to be heard and considered. The majority of the work of the Staff Council occurs within these committees.

Standing Committees

Community Engagement


The committee shall be responsible for being an ally and advocate for staff members and strive to build strong community connections within and outside of the UVM community. The committee aims to address a variety of social and economic factors as they relate to fostering a strong community. In addition, the committee shall organize, coordinate, and promote community service and volunteer opportunities within the UVM and greater Burlington community.

Specific responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Organizing events to foster more connection and community among staff.
  • Collaborating with/and promoting UVM departments and programs with identifying and offering relevant educational programming.
  • Assisting with the promotion of educational campaigns using both online (social networks, blogs, etc.) and offline approaches (distributing flyers, participating in community events or conferences, etc.).
  • Maintaining and posting a list of volunteering opportunities for UVM staff.
  • Maintaining and making determinations on the Staff Council Community Service Award program.
  • Tracking the number of hours the committee members are dedicating to the work and the number of employees who are engaged with the programs.
  • Advising UVM administration on policies and procedures related to the above topics.

2024-25 Shared Leadership

The chair or co-chairs, elected by the committee in the first meeting of the year, share the responsibilities of generating agendas, facilitating meetings, and attending Executive Board meetings in the 2024-2025 academic year.


Compensation, Benefits, and Budget (for Non-Union Staff)


The committee shall be responsible for monitoring and reviewing all matters that deal with non- represented staff compensation as they relate to conditions of employment. It shall work to educate and communicate to non-represented staff on the University’s budget practices and salary raise pools as well as changes, additions or deletions to benefits.  The committee shall collaborate with University leaders, units, departments, governance bodies, students, staff, faculty or any other group created to address these matters to ensure transparency and equity while promoting effective problem resolution and efficient use of University resources. 

Specific responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Annual Compensation Recommendation
  • Communications on specific compensation issues, including benefits
  • Communicate monthly to the the non-represented staff community (e.g., monthly committee summary)
  • Work collaboratively with the Staff Council Office
  • Collaborate with other Standing Committees when appropriate and necessary

2024-25 Shared Leadership

The chair or co-chairs, elected by the committee in the first meeting of the year, share the responsibilities of generating agendas, facilitating meetings, and attending Executive Board meetings in the 2024-2025 academic year.


Personal and Professional Development


The committee shall be responsible for monitoring and reviewing all matters that deal with personal and professional development of staff as they relate to conditions of employment. It shall work to promote the continued education of staff through training and enrichment opportunities sponsored by the university as well as outside vendors. The committee shall also address employee environment and facilities issues including ability and access concerns.

The committee shall collaborate with University leaders, units, departments, governance bodies, students, staff, faculty or any other group created to address these matters to ensure transparency and equity while promoting effective problem resolution and efficient use of University resources.

Specific responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Communicate monthly to the Staff Council and the staff community (e.g. monthly committee summary)
  • Field occupational environment matters (e.g. parking, office environment, ergonomic assessment)
  • Promote personal development (e.g. work-life balance, retirement planning)
  • Promote professional development (e.g. training, workshops, conferences)
  • Work collaboratively with the Staff Council Office
  • Collaborate with other Standing Committees when appropriate and necessary

2024-25 Shared Leadership

The chair or co-chairs, elected by the committee in the first meeting of the year, share the responsibilities of generating agendas, facilitating meetings, and attending Executive Board meetings in the 2024-2025 academic year.




The committee shall be responsible for planning and executing social and recreational activities for staff and the University community as well as providing community service opportunities within the university and in our larger community.

The committee shall collaborate with University leaders, units, departments, governance bodies, students, staff, faculty or any other group created to address these matters to ensure transparency and equity while promoting effective problem resolution and efficient use of University resources.

Specific responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to:

  • Promote events, activities, and community service opportunities
  • Communicate monthly to the Staff Council and the staff community (e.g. monthly committee summary)
  • Work collaboratively with the Staff Council Office
  • Collaborate with other Standing Committees when appropriate and necessary

2024-25 Shared Leadership

The chair or co-chairs, elected by the committee in the first meeting of the year, share the responsibilities of generating agendas, facilitating meetings, and attending Executive Board meetings in the 2024-2025 academic year.


Additional Committees

Executive Board


The Executive Board shall consist of the Staff Council President, Vice President, Immediate Past President, the Standing Committee chairpersons and vice-chairpersons, two additional members elected annually by the Staff Council from among its regular membership at the first committee meeting of the new Council year. In the event that a committee Chairperson or Vice Chairperson cannot attend, the chairperson or vice-chairperson is recommended to choose to send another member of the committee to serve in his/her place.

The Executive Board shall exist for the purpose of hearing reports, discussing university policy questions, advising the Staff Council President, approving the agenda for Staff Council Meetings, maintaining parliamentarian procedure, maintaining bylaws, developing and updating Staff Council policies and procedures, monitoring Staff Council presidential, vice-presidential and representative elections, monitoring and reviewing the staff emergency loan fund procedure, and making emergency loan application exceptions.

Specific responsibilities of the Executive Board include, but are not limited to:

  • Communicate on larger university issues and initiatives within and beyond the purviews of the Standing Committees when appropriate and necessary
  • Ensure communication by Staff Representatives on University wide committees, boards, and workgroups
  • Recommend Ad-hoc Committees as needed
  • Verify Staff Council President has appointed a parliamentarian at the beginning of each Staff Council year
  • Work collaboratively with the Staff Council Office
  • Collaborate with Standing Committees when appropriate and necessary

Professional Development Fund Committee


The Committee shall be responsible for oversight of the Staff Council Professional Development Fund. The Committee shall meet four times a year to select awardees and, at additional times when necessary, to make administrative decisions regarding the Fund.



Nominating Committee


The Nominating Committee shall receive nominations for the offices of Staff Council President and Vice President, shall establish and communicate procedures and deadlines for receipt of nominations, shall investigate each of the nominees to determine whether she/he is willing and qualified to serve, and shall present the qualified nominees to the University for the purpose of election.