About Us

UVM works for People and Planet. We work for a Culture of Safety and Proactive Risk Management.

Mission Statememt

The mission of UVM's Department of Risk Management is to: 

  • Promote safety and accident prevention  
  • Manage the protection of University assets, both human and financial  
  • Minimize legal liabilities

UVM Department of Risk Management is committed to protecting University assets, promoting safety and accident prevention, and minimizing the University’s legal liability.


Developing and Reviewing Contracts, Waivers, and Other Coverage

  • Developing and monitoring risk financing so that adequate resources exist to cover losses
  • Developing and reviewing appropriate contract language with third parties as it pertains to insurance requirements, hold harmless agreements, and indemnity clauses 
  • Drafting releases, waivers, and indemnification agreements for various departments

Managing Programming

  • Managing UVM's workers' compensation program 
  • Managing student outdoor programming 
  • Managing and coordinating student, faculty and staff driver safety and authorized driver programming

Preserving University Assets

  • Preserving the physical and human assets of the University 
  • Conducting campus inspections and trainings to prevent physical harm and promote safety in campus operations

Representing UVM to Insurance Entities

  • Serving as a UVM representative to select regulatory agencies and insurance carriers
  • Purchasing property and casualty insurance coverages to protect the institution against risk of financial loss, managing related services with insurance brokers, carriers and claims service providers

Risk Assessment and Education

  • Identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could harm the University’s operations, reputation, or its people 
  • Educating departments of the University with respect to the scope of its property/casualty insurance coverage and appropriate claims reporting guidelines