Reporting Accolades and Praise | Office of Medical Education | The University of Vermont(title)

How Does This Process Work?


All submitted praise forms will be reviewed by the Director of the Learning Environment and if permission is provided, shared with the recipient and their direct supervisor.

These forms will also help identify individuals for recognition and/or awards related to the learning environment.

*Note: the form password is located on student badges, or you may reach out to Medical Student Services to request the password.

What Constitutes Exemplary Professionalism?


The LCOM upholds a core set of professionalism tenets including:

  • Integrity
  • Cultural Humility
  • Kindness
  • Accountability
  • Compassion
  • Altruism
  • Social Responsibility
  • Respect

Examples of excellence in professionalism:

  • Demonstrating respect for a patient’s decision, despite conflict with one’s own beliefs
  • Going the extra mile to make something good happen for a patient
  • Demonstrating excellent balance and boundaries to promote self-health
  • Tactfully redirecting others in cases of unprofessional conduct
  • Consistently demonstrating a positive attitude toward others

Report Praise/Accolades Form


Report Praise/Accolades via the Learning Environment Reporting Form

(Note: *form password is located on student badges, or you may reach out to Medical Student Services to request the password).

Contact The Learning Environment

Nathalie Feldman, M.D.

Director of the Learning Environment

Elizabeth Hunt, M.D.

Assistant Director of the Learning Environment • Assistant Professor, Pediatric Nephrology, Dept. of Pediatrics • Pediatric Nephrologist, the University of Vermont Children's Hospital