Transfer Admission | The Patrick Leahy Honors College | The University of Vermont(title)

Transfer students who are entering UVM in their sophomore year with at least two semesters of full-time undergraduate study and a minimum grade point average of 3.40 from their former institution are eligible to apply for admission to the Patrick Leahy Honors College on a space-available basis.

Transfer students are entering the UVM Patrick Leahy Honors College in their sophomore year and need to take six credits of HCOL 2000.

Transfer students interested in becoming members of the Patrick Leahy Honors College must apply both to the University of Vermont and to the UVM Patrick Leahy Honors College (the PLHC invitation process for transfer students is separate from the UVM admission process). Students may work on both applications concurrently, but no action will be taken on the PLHC application until the student is admitted to the University.

The Patrick Leahy Honors College has two priority application deadlines for transfer students:

  • January 2nd for spring semester admission
  • June 1st for fall semester admission

Students interested in applying for transfer admission to the Patrick Leahy Honors College must ensure that the following materials have been sent to by 4 p.m. the day of the deadline:

  • One sheet with the student's contact information (name, address, phone, email), and answers to the following three writing prompts:
    1. Identify a current social or ecological problem and explain why it is important to you. (250 words max)
    2. Discuss how this concern informs your chosen field of study and your elective coursework at UVM. (250 words max)
    3. Explain why the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial for efforts to engage with this issue. (250 words max)
  • A copy of the student's first year transcript, with all final grades posted.
  • Letter of recommendation by faculty of current college

Assuming admission to UVM and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.40 from the student's previous institution, an admissions decision to the Patrick Leahy Honors College will be rendered upon receipt of the above materials.

If accepted into the Patrick Leahy Honors College, students complete a rigorous 13-16-credit curriculum that complements and enhances their undergraduate degree with multidisciplinary seminars, research and scholarly work in their field, and a capstone Honors thesis. Students who successfully complete these curricular requirements graduate as Patrick Leahy Honors College Scholars. This distinction is noted on a student’s diploma and final transcript.

Honors students also receive the following benefits:

  • An assigned PLHC advisor, who can help with academic and co-curricular planning throughout their undergraduate career.
  • Priority registration, and the ability to register for classes first in their class.
  • Honors funding opportunities for research and internships.
  • The option to live in Honors housing (on a space available basis).