Be Well Vermont

Be Well Vermont is a powerful digital wellness platform to support all UVM Employees' physical, emotional, financial, and mental health and wellbeing, regardless of insurance coverage.

A Tool You Can Use

Be Well Vermont can help streamline and invigorate individual wellness goals and connect and support our community. Sign up today!

Hands chopping vegetables on a cutting board

Easy to set up and simple to use. In just minutes, you can set up your account, choose your preferences, and start exploring health topics that interest you, like how to improve sleep, boost nutrition or add more movement to your day.

Wellness wherever you go. With the top-rated Personify Health app, you have 24/7 access on your phone or device. No more being tied to the desktop (but that is always available too!).

Tracks activities automatically. You can get credit for the healthy activities you're already doing by syncing your wellbeing app or device to automatically track physical activity, sleep, and more. The new platform syncs with more than 90% of the wearable market.

Personalizes the experience. We all have unique wellness goals. With Be Well Vermont, you can focus on what is important to you at all stages of life.

Builds community. We all do better when someone is rooting for us. You can connect with friends, family, and coworkers to give and receive encouragement and support.

Quick and Easy Sign Up


Be Well Vermont Quick Setup

  1. Create your Account.* 
    Visit or download the Personify Health mobile app.
  2. Connect a Device or App.
    Be Well Vermont synchs with many trackers! Customize your experience, streamline your wellness, and get personalized tips to help you eat healthy, get active, reduce stress, sleep well, and more!
  3. Earn (and Reap!) Rewards.
    Get credit for your wellbeing activities like steps, nutrition and sleep. Learn more about challenges, daily tips, recipes, interactive videos, and more in the Be Well Vermont User Guide.
Virgin Pulse Be Well Vermont QR Code

* Be Well Vermont is available to all UVM employees, regardless of whether or not BlueCross BlueShield of VT is their medical insurance plan.All sign-in methods will gain the same user experience. Your access to the platform is the same, only the sign in method is different.

Member TypeCredentials
BCBSVT Members with a member # of 01:Your member number is the last 13 characters of your ID, plus your 2-digit member # (01).
BCBSVT Member with a member # that does not end in 01: You are a dependent of another covered UVM employee - please use the below non-blue sign in method. 
Non-BCBSVT Members: UVM Employee ID + UVM (For example: 01234567UVM)

Be Well Vermont Setup Tutorial


UVM's partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont offers robust, professionally guided Employee Wellness programs, featuring a variety of relevant services that meet the diverse needs of employees.

Build Healthy Habits and Get Rewards


Winners are notified via email before prizes are deposited. Upcoming challenges and rewards for 2025 will be added soon!

ChallengeLevel Be Entered to Win
Complete Health Assessment   Getting Started TBA
7,000 pointsLevel 1TBA
25,000 pointsLevel 2TBA
40,000+ pointsLevel 3TBA

Powered by BlueCross BlueShield of Vermont and Personify Health