Historically, the majority of recognized scholarship in psychological science is based on the work of a subset of privileged individuals and has not adequately reflected contributions to the field by individuals from historically marginalized communities. The Department of Psychological Science at the University of Vermont acknowledges the limitations of our field and recognizes that diverse perspectives are essential for academic excellence. We strive to build an inclusive learning environment where all members of our community are treated with respect and dignity and where all individuals have equitable opportunity to participate, contribute, and succeed.
Department Goals Related to Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
- Incorporating an anti-racist lens into the program’s teaching philosophy, clinical training, and syllabi.
- Fostering a culture that promotes inclusion, community, and critical reflexivity.
- Increasing the percentage of underrepresented groups in department faculty and staff.
- Improving recruitment and retention of graduate students from historically marginalized groups and underrepresented backgrounds in psychology.
- Ensuring that historical racist practices – and their long-term negative impact – are given adequate time and attention in our curriculum.
- Incorporating the work of BIPOC researchers, and a discussion of the historic (and current) barriers of entry to our field for BIPOC scholars into our teaching.
- Encouraging our students to consider the implications of participant samples and perspectives limited to Western, white individuals – not just for the science itself, but also for how the science is applied.
Social Justice and Equity (SJE) Committee
Our department’s Social Justice and Equity (SJE) committee was developed to support departmental efforts to foster a culture that promotes inclusion, community, and an anti-racist lens in all aspects of our work. As part of this process, the overarching goal of the SJE committee works to understand and ameliorate structural issues within the department with the goal of promoting meaningful participation from diverse members of our department community in the areas of research, teaching, and clinical work.
SJE Committee Initiatives
Current and past SJE initiatives include the following:
- Conducting a strengths and needs assessment with graduate students of color to better understand what were necessary to support the professional development and overall well-being of our students.
- Identifying multiple speakers for department colloquia who were selected based on their ability to introduce globally historically marginalized perspectives and provide insight into the integration of social justice values into research, teaching, and clinical practice.
- Working with department leaders to develop a library of resources to advance departmental education and provide resources on topics such as promoting anti-racism in graduate student education and training, racial trauma experienced by mental health professionals and clients, dealing with racism in therapy, and integrating global perspectives in teaching, research, and clinical practice.
- Leading efforts to create a BIPOC student affinity space in the department to establish a safe space for all graduate students.
- Why is this important?
- This space is essential for fostering community and social support among students of color and providing a space for reflection on how BIPOC students’ unique experiences inform knowledge production and practice in a predominantly white field, institution, and community. The BIPOC affinity space will be led by graduate students in our department and will be a space where all students can discuss systemic difficulties faced in the program, brainstorm about issues related to clinical and academic work, connect over shared interests and activities, provide emotional support, and formulate departmental suggestions improving social justice endeavors.
- Why is this important?
- Obtaining a generous award from the Child and Adolescent Psychology Training and Research Inc. (CAPTR) to establish a fund to promote equitable access to essential components of graduate student education.
General Resources
- APA Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race
- Mental Health America: presents an introduction to racial bias and ethnic discrimination experienced by minority groups and the resulting psychological impacts on individuals.
- National Center for PTSD (Racial Trauma)
- Variety of reading resources such as measure and assessments, treatments, critical papers, etc. compiled by Dr. Monnica Williams
- The Steve Fund is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of young people of color. They offer a range of resources for mental health professionals, including webinars, training programs, and research reports.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness: NAMI has a section on their website specifically focused on mental health disparities and the impact of racism on mental health. They offer resources for mental health professionals, including training programs and webinars.
- The Association of Black Psychologists: The Association of Black Psychologists is a professional organization dedicated to promoting the mental health and well-being of Black people. They offer resources for mental health professionals, including webinars, training programs, and conferences focused on addressing racial stress and trauma.
Resources to Learn about Cultural Competency and Global Mental Health
- Crazy Like Us by Ethan Watters
- Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture (SSPC)
- Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill University
- World Association of Cultural Psychiatry
Resources for Members of the UVM Community
Link to PSYS Faculty and Graduate Student SharePoint Page (Anti-Racist Curriculum Initiative Resources - available only to Department of Psychological Science faculty and graduate students)
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