PhD Students
Shahrzad Ahmadkaraji

"I am interested in studying body image concerns, eating disorder symptoms, and the stigmatization of marginalized groups. I am also interested in how online social media behaviours can impact body image"
Mentor: Antonio Cepeda-Benito
Irelee Ferguson

My research focuses on developing accessible and scalable digital interventions for adults with anxiety, particularly within underserved populations. I am particularly interested in exploring strategies to enhance engagement with digital interventions and investigating the integration of these interventions into existing healthcare systems for the treatment of anxiety.
Mentor: Shari Steinman
Isabel Glass

My research interests focus primarily on emotion regulation, identity development, and suicidality and self-injurious behaviors in adolescence and emerging adulthood.
Mentor: Keith Burt
Emily Levine

Chelsea Pike

“I am interested in the development of accessible, individualized digital interventions to promote health behaviors in youths who use substances and/or experience chronic pain. I am also interested in how loneliness may relate to engagement in health behaviors in these populations.”
Mentor: Amy Hughes Lansing
Entering Class of 2023

Jenn Ha
Mentor: Mathew Price

Natalie Noble
Mentor: Mathew Price

Annabel Diestel
Mentor: Alexandra Potter
Entering Class of 2022

Raquel Castillo
Areas: I am interested in the development of tailored cognitive-behavioral treatments. Specifically for adult mood disorders.
Mentor: Kelly Rohan

Jill Giannini
Areas: My research focuses on the treatment of substance use disorders (SUD), specifically in those with comorbid mental health conditions such as PTSD. I am particularly interested in exploring combined pharmacotherapy and therapeutic interventions to target these specific populations.
Mentor: Kelly Peck

Bethany Hunt
Mentor: Betsy Hoza

Mathilde Scarlata
Mentor: Betsy Hoza
Entering Class of 2021

Casey Buck
Areas: I am interested in studying the development and outcomes of antisocial behaviors. Specifically, by utilizing behavioral, cognitive, and physiological data.
Mentor: Dianna Murray-Close

Janine Cerutti
Areas: I am interested in studying early-life predictors of mental health, especially childhood adversity, and processes of resilience (or lack of resilience). I am also interested in how risk and protective factors influence each other over time to ultimately impact child developmental outcomes.
Mentor: Keith Burt

Marc Feinstein
Areas: My interest lies in the application of behavioral economic and traditional psychological measures to predict and influence decision making as it pertains to health outcomes. Specifically I’m interested in working with substance abusing populations and gauging how they value their time and health compared to the substances themselves. I’m also interested in factors that influence the recovery process broadly, risk and time perception and how I can bring novel tools into the clinic to help people live happier, healthier lives.
Mentor: Elias Klemperer

Nathan Hacker
Areas: I am interested in exploring the impact that dietary and nutrition related behaviors have on the health and well-being of adolescents living with a chronic illness. I am particularly interested in the social determinants and psychosocial factors that underlie these behaviors and contribute to nutrition related health disparities.
Mentor: Amy Hughes Lansing

Johanna Hidalgo
Areas: My research areas focus on optimizing technology-assisted interventions to widen the reach of trauma-informed services. More specifically, examining mechanisms of change for PTSD and comorbid mood disorders to outline novel mHealth applications for marginalized communities.
Mentor: Matthew Price
Entering Class of 2020

Laura Cohen
Areas: My research interests are in pediatric psychology and dynamic systems. Specifically I am interested in understanding the psychosocial impact of pediatric chronic illness on multiple members of a family system.
Mentor: Amy Hughes Lansing

Nathan Moxley-Kelly
Areas: I am interested in addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder. Specifically, I am involved in research that investigates the therapeutic potential of exposure therapy among individuals with comorbid opioid use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Mentor: Timothy Stickle

Richard Norton
Areas: I am interested in investigating interventions for adult mood disorders through cognitive and physiological markers. I am particularly interested in investigating the role of physical activity in the treatment of mood disorders, as well as treatment applicability across gender identities.
Mentor: Kelly Rohan

Vanessa Ramirez
Areas: My research interests revolve around how social media is implicated in how teenagers and young adults engage in risky behaviors. I am also interested in potential social problems that arise from this, such as being victimized online while and how this can affect mental health. I am interested in applying different interventions to help these groups, specifically among minorities.
Mentor: Jamie Abaied

Hannah Scott
Areas: I am interested in researching the effects of early detection and treatment of irritability, aggression, and noncompliant behavior in young children at risk for developing ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and other comorbid disorders.
Mentor: Betsy Hoza
Entering Class of 2019

Aya Cheaito
Areas: I am interested in child-parent relationships, the socialization of coping and trauma.
Mentor: Robert Althoff

Rachel Gehman
Areas: My current research concerns the psychological processes underlying restorative justice conferences and other criminal justice settings. I am also interested in the roles of existential connection and self affirmation in mental health.
Mentor: Elizabeth Pinel

Kelly (Phuong) Nguyen
Areas: I am interested in how interparental conflicts affect child developmental outcomes, especially in the context of the child’s temperament. And I intend to examine those linkages through neurophysiological markers, cognitive processes, as well as emotional reactions.
Mentor: Alice Schermerhorn

Emily Pomichter
Areas: I am interested in studying nicotine use and eating behaviors. Specifically, I want to explore the differences between smoking and vaping consequences and expectancies, as well as the relationship between nicotine use and eating behaviors/body image. Currently I am working on a project designed to help determine the relationship between smoking behavior, smoking expectancies, and body dissatisfaction and negative affect.
Mentor: Antonio Cepeda-Benito

Julia Terman
Areas: I research cognitive-behavioral interventions for depression and anxiety. My current independent work involves developing, evaluating, and implementing an ultra-brief, scalable cognitive-behavioral intervention for primary care providers to utilize in routine visits. This work aims to translate evidence-based mental health interventions into tools that can be implemented in the most accessible settings.
Mentor: Kelly Rohan

Julia West
Areas: My research interests are youth and young adult substance use, primarily nicotine and tobacco use. I am particularly interested in informing addiction-related policies through population-level research.
Mentor: Andrea Villanti

Rhiannon Wiley
Areas: I am interested in chemical and behavioral forms of addiction and comorbidity.
Mentor: Stacey Sigmon

Brandon Wyatt
Areas: I am interested in the psycho-physiological predictors of, and therapeutic outcomes for sexual dysfunction. I am also interested in how individual factors such as personality traits exacerbate or attenuate problems with arousal and orgasm, and how the interplay of these various factors impact sexual, romantic, and psychological well-being.
Mentor: Alessandra Rellini