A "Fitbit" For Cows: UVM Researcher Studies How Data Can Improve Efficiency on Dairy Farms

Dr. Joao Costa is a Food Systems Research Center faculty fellow
Joao Costa with a cow

Dr. Joao Costa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and a Food Systems Research Center Faculty Fellow. In this video, he discusses his research into how data can improve efficiency on dairy farms. Traditionally, farms have used simple data for decision-making, such as milk production metrics. However, newer approaches involve more sophisticated...

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Chris Donovon headshot

Meet Chris Donovan, Data Scientist

The Food Systems Research Center is pleased to announce that Chris Donovan has joined the team as its new Data Scientist. His background is in conservation biology, and he has conducted botanical fieldwork and research throughout the West. Before coming to Vermont, he was working with The Nature Conservancy to develop sagebrush seed delivery methods and improve restoration outcomes.

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Susie Walsh Daloz headshot

Meet Susie Walsh Daloz, Programs and Operations Manager

Susie Walsh Daloz is excited to join the UVM Food Systems Research Center (FSRC) as the new Programs and Operations Manager, where she will collaborate with FSRC leadership to further develop institutional priorities and oversee core functions of t

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