Professor Jeanne L. Shea

University of Vermont

Fall 2006


Course Syllabi, Fall 2006


Anth 095: Gender and Health


Anth 225: Anthropological Theory


Course Syllabi, Spring 2007


Anth 096: Chinese Culture and Society (in preparation)


Anth 172: Gender, Sex, and Culture (in preparation)


Course Forms, Fall 2006-Spring 2007


Student Information Sheet


Form for Anth 197/198: Independent Readings and Research

(for independent study, research assistant, or teaching assistant)


Form for Anth 201: Internship and Practicum

(for supervised internship)


Form for Anth 297/298: Independent Readings and Research

(for advanced independent study, research assistant, or teaching assistant)


Guidelines for Writing, Fall 2006-Spring 2007


AAA Style Guide


Guidelines for the Evaluation of Papers


Paper Evaluation Rubric


Guidelines for Presentations, Fall 2006-Spring 2007


Presentation Evaluation Rubric


Syllabi From Courses Taught in Previous Semesters


Anthropology 21: Human Cultures


Anthropology 095: East Asian Cultures


Anth 174: Culture, Health, and Healing


Anthropology 180: Psychological Anthropology


Anthropology 187: Race and Ethnicity


Anthropology 290: Ethnographic Methods


Anthropology 295: Medical Anthropology Seminar


International Studies 295: Chinese Community in Montreal