The success of an independent study project is often related to the amount of advance planning expended on the project.  Consequently, planning for the project should, whenever possible, be initiated in the semester before the course is taken.


By the end of the add/drop period, students will be required to submit to their faculty sponsor a specific plan which must include, but not be limited to, the following:






During the first full week of classes, the student and the faculty sponsor will meet and prepare a document which includes the following:





It is the responsibility of the faculty supervisor to ensure that all the provisions outlined above have been satisfactorily accomplished.  Copies of all documents and schedules mentioned must be filed with the department chairperson* by the end of the add/drop period.  Faculty sponsors should retain the completed projects, along with faculty evaluations, for review, if necessary, by appropriate school/college committees.




Prior to enrollment in independent study, students must obtain the approval of their advisor, faculty sponsor, and the faculty sponsor’s department chairperson.


Independent study may be taken for variable credit.  The amount of credit to be granted should be mutually agreed upon by the student and the faculty sponsor prior to registration.  When a project is to cover more than one term, the designation XC (extended course), rather than incomplete, should be used on the final grade sheet for the first term of work.



*Please give Cindy a copy of the agreement form.  Once she has a copy, she will perform the override (the student can then register for course).  The override cannot be performed without the completed agreement form.  She will keep this copy on file in her office.




Student: ________________________________ SS#: ___________________


Course #: ______________ Semester/Year: _____________ Credits: _______


Project Title:


Project Summary:




















Signatures of Agreement:


Student: ____________________________________ Date: ______________


Professor: ___________________________________ Date: ______________


Chairperson: _________________________________ Date: ______________




Academic Coordinator: _________________________ Date: ______________










Statement of Justification:











Project Objectives:










Plans and Methods:
























Plan for Evaluation: