
Student Information Sheet                                                                           



Course Title____________________________________      Professor_______________   


Student’s Name:           First Name                         Mid. Initial        Surname                                                       

                                    _________________  ______.           ______________________   


Preferred nickname_____________________________         Gender: M/he___ F/she___                                       

UVM Email Address____________________________        Phone__________________  

Campus mailing address____________________________________________________


UVM Class_______    Fresh__   Soph__   Jr__   Sr__  Grad__  CE__   Fac__  Staff__


Academic major______________________   Academic minor______________________


Academic interests________________________________________________________



Extracurricular interests/activities ____________________________________________     



Academic background/hands-on experience related to course ______________________



Places lived, traveled, experiences of different cultures____________________________



Language abilities and training_______________________________________________


What are your main reasons for taking this course? ________________________________



What content do you hope to learn/what skills do you want to develop in this course?




What aspects of the learning process do you find most challenging?  Most rewarding?




What questions/concerns do you have?  Do you foresee any difficulties this semester?




What are some things you’d like me to know about you as a student and as a person?

