Call for Articles

For 25 years The Vermont Connection has been a valued part of the Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration (HESA) graduate program. We hope you will help continue this legacy by contributing to the 26th volume of the journal.

The Vermont Connection is a journal produced by graduate students currently enrolled in the HESA program at The University of Vermont. This forum allows authors to communicate and address various issues encountered in the profession of higher education. Additionally, contributing to the journal provides authors with an opportunity to publish in the field and to refine their professional writing skills.

Manuscript guidelines for The Vermont Connection are identical to those of the NASPA Journal. As you begin to compose your article, please find those specific guidelines or request them from the current board. As you consider contributing, we encourage you to explore any issue that is relevant to the student affairs profession. Once again this year, we invite you to submit a personal narrative, scholarly research, or policy initiative description.

This year, the moral conversation section of the journal will focus on a theme to address the changing nature of the modern university. As our world evolves, the place of a "traditional" university in relation to the world changes. As modern institutions redefine themselves to fit the needs of modern society we invite you to explore The Political Landscape and The Academy.

We hope you will approach this topic with a broad perspective to provoke thought in the field of higher education and student affairs administration. The Vermont Connection looks to authors to carry
The Political Landscape and The Academy
into this arena for moral conversation.

If we can be of any assistance as you refine your ideas, please feel free to one of the editors at The Vermont Connection address. Additionally, please feel free to contact us directly using the information on the Executive Board page.

To propose an article for publication, please submit an abstract to us, not to exceed 100 words, by October 8, 2004. This abstract should provide the Editorial Board with enough information to evaluate the potential interest level in your topic and its relevance to the fields of higher education and student affairs. Please include the following information with your abstract: your name, address, phone number (day and evening), e-mail address, institution, title, and HESA graduation date, if applicable.

First drafts of manuscripts must be received by  October 29, 2004. After manuscripts are received, an editing process will be implemented to provide feedback throughout the writing process. Final drafts of accepted manuscripts must be received by January 14, 2005.

We look forward to working with you to create an exciting and scholarly 26th Volume of The Vermont Connection!


Katie Ann Gallogly, Content Editor
Robyn Jeep, Content Editor