Index for ENTREZ and Data Base Searches

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Introduction to the NCBI Data Bases and ENTREZ
  • REVIEW: Boolean Logic
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
  • What is a Data Base?
  • The NCBI data bases 
  • Data Mining: Sickle Cell Anemia

The Bookshelf.

  • Preview/Index
  • Boolean searches
  • Clipboard
  • Details
  • History

Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM).

  • The OMIM Data Dase
  • The phenotype of Sickle Cell Anemia
  • The b Globin chain of Hemoglobin
  • Allelic Variants of b Globin
Introduction to PubMed.
  • Index Fields
  • Index terms
  • Limits
  • Sorting the List
  • Clipboard
  • Displays of the List
  • Linkout
Introduction to the Sequence Data Bases and Formats. Introduction to Sequence Similarity Searchs and BLAST.
  • Obtaining a FASTA sequence
  • BLAST Queries
  • Understaning Conserved Domains
  • Understanding the BLAST hit ist.

The NCBI Structure Data Base (MMDB) and 3D Viewers.

  • REVIEW:  DNA structure.
  • Visualization of DNA structure.
  • REVIEW: Protein structure.
  • The Protein Data Base (PDB)