Amino Acids are the Sub-Units which are polymerized to form Polypeptide chains (Proteins)



Proteins are long polymers in which the subunits are amino acids.   Every amino acid has 4 salient features:

Every amino acid has the same structure in that it always has an amino group linked to a carboxylic acid group through the a carbon. However, amino acids have different structures because the R group (or side chain) is different for each kind of amino acid.   This image shows the 20 amino acids which make up proteins.

Since the  R groups found in the 20 biologically important amino acids are each different chemicals, it is to be expected that they have different chemical properties.  In fact the amino acids are usually classified by the properties of their side chains:
RETURN to the  Protein Structure Page
to see how Amino Acids are chained together to form Proteins.

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