About the
Mousepads, Shoe Leather, and Hope is made up largely of
stories by people involved in the internet aspects of
Howard Dean's campaign for President from 2002 to early
2004. Together, the essays make up a unique political
retrospective, and provide a rich window into the passion,
insights, surprises, and complexities of the Dean
campaign's use of the internet, which changed the world's
perceptions of what was possible in U.S. politics.
Scholarly commentary by Manuel Castells and others round
out the picture.
From the
When looking back at moments of dramatic turmoil and
change, there is a temptation to try to package events
according to the needs of the present, to boil things down
into easily digestible bullet points. In so doing, we tend
to exaggerate the intentionality of actions that were
successful; obscure our mistakes, confusions, and
ambivalences; and thereby risk oversimplifying and
misunderstanding what really happened. The bullet-point
understanding of the Dean campaign is already out there:
The 2006 elections were crowded with techniques from the
Dean campaign, from blogs to meetups to personally signed
fund-raising e-mails, and as of this writing the 2008
elections looked to be similarly crowded. Yet (with the
exception of Ned Lamont’s campaign in the Connecticut
Democratic primary), few of these efforts had the same
surprising, galvanizing effects as the original. Whatever
the Internet’s role in the Dean campaign, it cannot be
boiled down to a few slogans. The story is complicated; for
all the differences between the contributors to this
volume, on this we agree.
Contributors represent a
cross-section of Dean activists: authors who were technical
experts and technical neophytes, seasoned campaigners and
newcomers, those who worked in headquarters, others who
worked in the field, and some who worked in both.
This is a book of stories.
Authors were asked to provide narratives of their
experiences rather than analyses. But they are stories with
a serious purpose, selected not for dramatic value but to
illustrate a specific historical moment. Authors were asked
to focus less on colorful details than on meaningful ones.
This book, then, is about both the facts and how the facts
felt. It is a record of how and when the experience of the
campaign changed individuals’ perception of what was
possible in U.S. politics.
Have we nonetheless, by using
first-person narratives, risked promoting the stereotype of
the Dean campaign’s supporters as merely self-absorbed and
out of touch with larger realities? Involvement in the Dean
campaign was one of those uniquely intense personal
experiences that, like sex or a profound religious
conversion, is hard to describe and often looks odd or
pathetic to those not sharing in it. This common personal
experience, for all its variations, was an objective fact
of the campaign. And, we suspect, experiences like this are
of a piece with deep social change, and will be a component
of any successful effort to build a more democratic society
in the future. It deserves its place in understanding what