Chapter 1. Installing PyPop

Last updated: $Date: 2008/08/17 08:51:36 $ by $Author: alancast $

Table of Contents

1.1. Installing standalone binary
1.1.1. Installing on GNU/Linux
1.1.2. Installing on Windows
1.2. Installing from source
1.2.1. System requirements
1.2.2. Installation
1.2.3. Test suite
1.2.4. Contributions, bug reports
1.2.5. Distribution structure

1.1. Installing standalone binary

Standalone binary versions are provided for PyPop that make minimal assumptions about external software installed on your system, and for the majority of users, will be the simplest way to install PyPop. We have only tested them on a subset of the possible operating systems and have noted them in the relevant section below.

1.1.1. Installing on GNU/Linux

  1. Download the latest stable release and save it somewhere in your home directory:

  2. From the command-line terminal untar and uncompress the package (typically using the GNU tar program):

    $ tar zxf PyPopLinux-0.7.0.tar.gz

At this point PyPop should be successfully installed. To test your installation, run the program and use the sample test files with the following steps:

  1. Change directory into the extracted directory

    $ cd PyPopLinux-0.7.0
  2. Now you can run the interactive version of the program, by typing ./pypop, at the command line.

    A short message describing PyPop will be displayed, followed by prompts to supply the name of the configuration file and then the population file. Select the file, sample.ini and sample.pop, respectively (noted in the sample screen output below, in bold).

    PyPop: Python for Population Genomics (0.4.3)
    Copyright (C) 2003 Regents of the University of California
    This is free software.  There is NO warranty; not even for
    You may redistribute copies of PyPop under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License.  For more information about these
    matters, see the file named COPYING.
    To accept the default in brackets for each filename, simply press
    return for each prompt.
    Please enter config filename [config.ini]: sample.ini
    Please enter population filename [no default]: sample.pop
    PyPop is processing sample.pop 
    (Note: some messages with the prefix "LOG:" may appear here.
    They are informational only and do not indicate improper operation 
    of the program)
    PyPop run complete!
    XML output can be found in: sample-out.xml
    Plain text output can be found in: sample-out.txt

    PyPop will remember the names of the configuration and population files you used last, and will provide those as defaults in subsequent runs.

1.1.2. Installing on Windows

  1. Before starting an install on Windows, you must first make sure you have a copy of a zip file extractor such as PowerArchiver or WinZip.

  2. Download the latest stable Windows release of PyPop and save it in one of your directories or on the Desktop:

  3. Once you have downloaded the file, you should double-click it. If you have correctly installed one of the zip compression utilities, it should open using that zip program. Extract the contents of the zip file to your desktop, or wherever you normally save your programs and data. Consult the documentation for your archiving utility for details on how to do this (it should be reasonably self-explanatory).

To test your installation:

  1. Once you have the PyPopWin32-0.7.0 directory extracted, open the directory and double-click on the pypop.bat file.

  2. A DOS shell should then open running the program inside it.

    A short message describing PyPop will be displayed, followed by prompts to supply the name of the configuration file and then the population file. Select the file, sample.ini and sample.pop, respectively (noted in the sample screen output below, in bold).

    PyPop: Python for Population Genomics (0.4.3)
    Copyright (C) 2003 Regents of the University of California
    This is free software.  There is NO warranty; not even for
    You may redistribute copies of PyPop under the terms of the
    GNU General Public License.  For more information about these
    matters, see the file named COPYING.
    To accept the default in brackets for each filename, simply press
    return for each prompt.
    Please enter config filename [config.ini]: sample.ini
    Please enter population filename [no default]: sample.pop
    PyPop is processing sample.pop 
    (Note: some messages with the prefix "LOG:" may appear here.
    They are informational only and do not indicate improper operation 
    of the program)
    PyPop run complete!
    XML output can be found in: sample-out.xml
    Plain text output can be found in: sample-out.txt