Plant Identification

  • Juniperus
  • Cupressaceae
  • Gymnosperms
  • Main Menu
  • FOR 21
  • Common Juniper (J. communis)


  • Form
  • Needles
  • Needles
  • J. communis (Needles)

    A small tree, circumpolar in the northern hemisphere. It is a common juniper in old fields and also a common shrub in the northeastern and northwestern U.S. Leaves are awl-shaped, glaucous above, and usually ternate. Cones are similar to J. virginiana. A large, important, tolerant tree on moist sites in the northern Rockies and Pacific forests (northern CA to BC) with very durable wood. Leaves are similar to T. occidentalis, but lustrous, and usually without glandular pits. Cones are similar to T. occidentalis, but often with spine-tipped scales.