~ Basil Gallery ~

These are some pictures of Basil taken with a digital camera. Click in the image if you're interested in seeing a larger view. For more pictures of Basil, you can also check out our our pictures of the whole group. Enjoy!


Basil in mid-leap!

Busy Bunny.


Basil polishing off what's left of the oregano plant.

Still working on that oregano.

A bunny with a sophisticated palette. Or perhaps just an unlimited one.

Basil going for a basket of hay - Good Bunny!

Basil munching some veggies...

...and munching...

"Ohh, too many veggies!"

Hanging Out:

Basil showing off his good litterbox habits.

Zeee Beauuutiful Physique!

Grooming a foot. (Wouldn't you?)

The best gift of all. (Basil helped with wrapping.. err, unwrapping).

With People:

Mike holding Basil

Mike and Basil having a moment.

X-rated picture of Basil (well, at least PG-13).

Jess giving Basil a smootch. How brutal! Think he'll make it?

Mike's aunt Nancy holding Basil.

Basil getting squirmy.

Two buddies.

Last Modified by Jessica Dion on January 8, 1999.