~ Club Bunny ~


Gus inhaling some romaine lettuce while Basil contemplates his first bite.

Basil takes a nibble.

Cleome comes to join in the feast.

Cleome dining on pellets while Gus stands by.

Cleome and Basil racing for the carrot.

Basil pulling a carrot out of Gus' mouth...

...and Gus trying to get it back!

Role Models: Cleome eats her hay while Gus grooms.

Gus being Angelic while Clover devilishly goes after the plants.

Clover teaches Basil how it's done.

Gus joins in on the feast.

Basil tries to take a nibble of the plant, but Clover rushes in to defend it (notice her abandoning her nice fresh hay that we put there to steer them away from the plants).

At Large:

Zee Picturesque Bunny Landscape (or "Cleome comes to help with wrapping").

All four sniffing around (no, Clover's not peeing in the background).

Our sweet easter bunny. :-)

Basil discovers the christmas tree.

Clover and Cleome scaling Mike Mountain (terrible picture of Mike though, sorry!)

Oh dear. Mike Mountain trapped them!

Basil tastes some firewood while Cleome looks longingly across the room.

Basil and Clover looking unexplainably terrified.

Basil and Clover still as statues (same pose as the picture above, from the other side!)

Cleome protecting Clover from unknown forces of evil.

Basil and Gus looking cute.

All four of them sitting on the carpet (notice Clover's ears, directly behind Basil! She's listening to me while Cleome and Basil are listening the other way!)

Clover and Gus discuss the deterioration of the oregano plant.

The bunnies assert their dominance over our cat Hilary by nonchalantly pooping on her personal scratching board.

"Hi! Where's the salad!"

Cleome protecting her lair.

Cleome showing off her ear talents while Gus looks on.

Three Buns in a Box.

Cleome and Basil on top of their box.

Basil and Clover on top of their box.

Yin Yang Bunnies (but which is which?).


Typical moment in the lives of the buns. Basil sniffs for edibles. Gus is in mid-hop. Clover sits tentatively. Cleome contentedly licks her foot.

When left upstairs for more than an hour, this almost always the result (statuesque bunnies grooming in unison, surrounded by a shifting landscape of poops).

Gus mooks Basil while he eats.

Gus grooms Basil. So sweet!!

Clover does the Foot-Lick while Basil and Gus stand by.

A typical moment in the lives of Cleome, Basil and Gus.

Basil gives his mom a kiss while Gus grooms himself.

Cleome and Basil both start grooming each other simultaneously. Aww!!

As a sign of his deep affection for Gus, Basil washes the crunchy stuff away from his buddy's eyes.

Working for the Secret Bunny Intelligence Force:

"What was that?" Gus and Cleome are off to investigate.

Gus telling Clover a secret while Cleome listens in. Shhh!

Gus shares Top Secret information with Clover and Cleome while Basil stands guard.

While Gus finishes up, Basil alerts him of my presence!

They quickly disperse and resume their "normal" bunny cover activities.

Cleome and Basil search the plants.

Gus and Clover examine a chair for clues.

Cleome sneaks past.

Cleome and Basil hear receiving orders from an invisible source.

Basil and Gus: Private Eyes.


Cleome and Basil snuggle in with Mike.

Cleome and her kids NOT wanting to be bugged.

Ohhh, so snuggly! (or: Clover hides in her chin)

Cleome nudges under Gus' chin for some grooming while Basil snuggles in.

"Mom, can you NOT lick my bum when they have the camera please? Sheesh!"

All four bunnies getting ready for bed (gus is grooming, of course).

Basil and Clover cuddle in their box.

Gus comes in to join them.