Our course syllabus and expanded course syllabus.

The goal of this course is to help prepare you for the UVM pure mathematics qualifying exam in abstract algebra. You are responsible for all of the material contained in the syllabus for the algebra qualifying exam, which contains more material than what we will cover in this class.

How to get help

Post your question to our Yellowdig page. Don't hesitate to post anonymously. This is the main way in which I hope we interact to build our community.
Schedule an appointment with me: I am available to meet in person on MWF immediately after class until 1pm. Just let me know you will be stopping by. I am also available to meet on Teams on Thursdays between 10am and 1pm. Please send me a meeting request, and I will accept it if I can, or contact you to reschedule if I can't.

Turning in work

Please turn in all work on Gradescope · How to submit an assignment on Gradescope
All homework must be TeXed; all quizzes must be scanned with a scanning app
How to scan with your phone · How to scan to OneDrive (follow Installation & Sign-In then Scan, sign, and share documents)