Cluster Specs

Cluster Specifications


BlueMoon VACC logo

Bluemoon provides 7884 compute cores; 4992 are available via HDR Infiniband. This cluster supports large-scale computation, low-latency networking for MPI workloads, large memory systems, and high-performance parallel filesystems.


  • 39 dual-processor, 128-core AMD Epyc 7763 PowerEdge R6525 nodes, with 1TB RAM each. Mixed-use: Infiniband connected HDR100 for file access as well as MPI communication along with 25Gb Ethernet
  • 2 dual-processor, 128-core AMD Epyc 7763 PowerEdge R7525 nodes, with 1TB RAM each and 1 A100 GPU
  • 1 dual-processor, 64-core EPYC 7543 PowerEdge R7525 node, with 4TB RAM. Infiniband connected HDR100 for file access, 10/25Gb Ethernet
  • 9 dual-processor, 20 core (Intel 6230), PowerEdge R440, with 10GB RAM, 10Gb Ethernet-connected
  • 3 dual-processor, 10-core (Intel E5-2650 v3) Dell PowerEdge R630 nodes, with 256GB RAM each, Ethernet-connected
  • 40 dual-processor, 10-core (Intel E5-2650 v3) Dell PowerEdge R630 nodes, with 64GB RAM each, Infiniband 4XFDR (56Gb)-connected
  • 2 dual-processor, 12-core (Intel E5-2650 v4) Dell R730, with 1TB RAM
  • 1 dual-processor, 8-core (Intel E7-8837) IBM x3690 x5, with 512GB RAM
  • 2 dual-processor, 12-core (Intel E5-2650 v4) Dell R730 GPU nodes, each with 2 Nvidia Tesla P100 GPUs.
  • 2 I/O nodes (Dell R740xd) with 40GbE, 200Gb HDR, along with 2 I/O nodes (Dell R430s, 10Gb Ethernet-connected) connected to:
    • 1 Dell MD3460 providing 287TB storage to GPFS
    • 1 Dell ME4084 providing 751TB of spinning disk storage
    • 1 IBM FS7200 providing 187TB of NVMe-attached FlashCore Module storage


  • Operating System: RHEL 9.4, with GNU compilers (gcc, Fortran)
  • Resource Manager: Slurm version 24.05.4
  • Package Manager: Lmod


DeepGreen VACC logo

DeepGreen is a massively parallel cluster with 80 GPUs capable of over 8 petaflops of mixed-precision calculations based on the NVIDIA Tesla V100 architecture. Its hybrid design can expedite high-throughput artificial intelligence and machine learning workflows, and its extreme parallelism will forge new and transformative research pipelines. It is well-suited to support training and inference using neural models.


  • 10 GPU nodes (Penguin Relion XE4118GTS) each with:
    • 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6130 CPU @ 2.10GHz (2x 16 cores, 22M cache)
    • 768GB RAM (256GB for GPFS pagepool)
    • 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100s with 32GB RAM
    • 4 2-lane HDR (100Gb/s; 400Gb/s/node) Infiniband links to QM8700 switch
    • 2 NVMe nodes, each with 88TB NVMe devices (12x8TB), replicated to provide dedicated 88TB NVMe-over-fabrics filesystem
    • Mellanox QM8700 switch running at HDR speeds


  • Operating System: RHEL 9.4, with GNU compilers (gcc, Fortran)
  • Resource Manager: Slurm version 24.05.4
  • Package Manager: Lmod
  • CUDA 11.4


BlackDiamond VACC logo

BlackDiamond is a high-performance computing cluster made possible by a gift from microchip manufacturer AMD. This cluster is built using AMD's 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processor, which pushes the boundaries for x86 performance, efficiency, security features, and overall system throughput.


  • 6 GPU nodes, each with:
    • 1 AMD EPYC 7642 48-core processor
    • 8 AMD Radeon Instinct MI50 Accelerators (32GB)
    • 512GB DDR4-3200MHz RAM
    • HDR100 Infiniband links to QM8700 switch


  • Operating System: RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.9 (64-bit) with the GNU compilers (gcc, f77)
  • Resources Manager: Slurm v20.11.8
  • Package Manager: Spack v0.11
  • ROCm 4.3