Family Reunion, 1979

illustration of 3 white boys around a picnic table with basketball players in the distance behind them.

In 1979, the year I was eight, my father’s family reunion was held at a public park in Newport News, Virginia. It was a place of woods and creeks and picnic tables, set against the eastern shore of the southern part of the James River, a few miles before it empties into the Chesapeake Bay. I heard more than one relative that day say they hoped the place wouldn’t get overrun by the locals,...

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baseball glove with baseball

The Gloves of Summer

What is the first sensation that comes to mind when you think about a baseball glove?

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old family photo of the Gennaris

Solid Sound

As in many working-class Italian American households, mine was one where loud voices and other sounds constantly ricocheted off the walls, a condition that made for a loving family life but worked against a reading habit.

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