UVM Ranked #1 in Princeton Review List of Best Schools for Making an Impact

Aerial view of UVM's Old Mill and the UVM Green

The University of Vermont (UVM) has earned the number one ranking on the 2024 “Best Schools for Making an Impact” list of public universities and colleges, a Best Value College category published by The Princeton Review, a leading college admissions services company.

The Princeton Review began publishing the Making an Impact ranking in 2015. UVM debuted on the list last year in the...

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RISE conference

“We came home to Vermont:” RISE Summit Explores Solutions for Rural Challenges

Last year, the University of Vermont’s inaugural Research, Innovation, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship (RISE) Summit brought together leaders, creators, and educators to explore the limitless potential for cooperation within a broad community of motivated indiv

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A collage of images with the RISE logo

New Theme and Speakers: What's in Store for RISE 2024?

This year, the Research, Innovation, Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship (RISE) Summit returns with new and returning speakers and an innovative, cohesive theme, ‘Partners in Place,’ exploring and connecting new ideas to drive place-based advances in health, prosperity, and purpose.

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