UVM’s Master of Accountancy to Celebrate 15 Years

MAcc 15-Year Celebration to take place September 12 – 14 at Grossman School of Business
Grossman School of Business MAcc Program 15th Year Celebration

The University of Vermont (UVM) Grossman School of Business will celebrate the 15th anniversary of its Master of Accountancy (MAcc) program September 12-14, 2024. The event is open to MAcc alumni, UVM accounting alumni, and friends of UVM’s accounting program, featuring opportunities for alumni to network and recruit UVM...

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Tim Rademacher in a plaid shirt against a UVM gold colorfield

UVM Taps Tim Rademacher to Lead Research at Proctor Maple Research Center

Tim Rademacher is taking on a sweet new role at the University of Vermont—as the new Scientific Director of UVM’s Proctor Maple Research Center (PMRC).

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Taylor Swift’s Impact on Fans’ Body Image Attitudes Mostly Positive

First study on the health effects of Taylor Swift’s celebrity finds an overall positive influence on fans’ attitudes on body image and disordered eating.

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