UVM Grossman School of Business Achieves High Level in the Positive Impact Rating for 5th Consecutive Year

UVM students assessed how they perceive Grossman School’s positive impact in the world
The University of Vermont Grossman School of Business

The University of Vermont (UVM) Grossman School of Business (Grossman School) was recognized for its social impact and sustainability achievements when the Positive Impact Rating (PIR) 2024 report was shared at the UN PRME Global Forum in June. The PIR is an annual rating conducted by students for students, with more...

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the Intervale farms mostly underwater during the July 2023 Vermont floods

One Year After the Flood: Building Resilience in Agriculture

Every disaster reveals something about our state of preparedness. The COVID-19 pandemic uncovered deep fissures in the country’s public health system. Heavy rain events like last July tested Vermont’s infrastructure and agricultural sector. And ready or not, with climate change, more will come.

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UVM Launches Nationwide Effort to Grow Local News Reporting at Colleges Across the U.S.

The Center for Community News (CCN) at the University of Vermont (UVM) will dramatically expand efforts to grow partnerships between local news outlets and universities across the country, forging a path to sustainability for local reporting in the regions that need it most.

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