Originally created as the Clean Energy Fund (CEF), the Sustainable Campus Fund (SCF) vision of supporting a transition to more sustainable infrastructure on campus includes installing visible new campus systems that generate cleaner energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and galvanize interest and attention. In the shift from CEF to SCF, it began to include infrastructure that supported areas of sustainability not related to green energy. In addition to supporting visible projects, this fund has supported several feasibility studies to make decisions about future installations.

You can find an organized list of past funded proposals involved with implementing new infrastructure or investigating the value of new infrastructure listed below. More detailed information can be found in the pdfs of the approved proposals in the sidebar. These are organized by semester.

These innovative ideas were designed to advance the mission of the Sustainable Campus Fund.

ProposalDescriptionProposed byAwardYear
Naturalistic GardensRedesign, install and montior naturalistic gardens around Votey and one entrance to Lafayette.Fortino Acosta, Robert Gibson, Erin Camire & Nathan Reeder$28,9232024
Geothermal Test WellDrill test well on Trinity campus to determine feasibility of geothermal heating/cooling system.Elizabeth Palchak$127,0002024
A Zero-Waste Hygiene-Equity ProgramInstall a laundry sheet dispenser in the Davis Center, create a program to support low income and first-generation students, hire intern to maintain social media presence and evaluate success of the program.Montana Bailey$4,0002022
Transition to a greener UVM FleetGreate an incentive fund that will assist departments looking to purchase EVsClare Nelson$10,9002022
UVM Grounds Electric Lawn Equipment Purchase Phase 2Purchase of electric powered lawn equipment (leaf blowers, weed whackers, push mower) for use by UVM GroundskeepingMatt Walker$15,6002022
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Master PlanAn evaluation of campus and any upcoming needs it will have to support EVs as students, faculty, and staff begin to drive them.Abby Bleything$2,6002021
Covered Bicycle Parking for Trinity CampusInstall covered bicycles parking on Trinity CampusJaydon Fisher and Abby Bleything$150,3102021
Surplus Tracking Feasibility StudyDetermining the best route to create a system for connecting resources no longer needed in one part of the university community with other places that do need these resources.Corey Berman$2,0002021
Howe Library Stack Light Renovation: Phase 3The proposal continues the work on high efficiency, motion-detection lighting in the library on the 2nd floor.Lynn Wood, Physical Plant Department$40,000.2020
Phase 2: Covered Bike ParkingFunding for the construction of two covered bike racks - one at Harris Millis Complex and one at the Davis Center.Abby Bleything, Adam Frasier and Jim Barr, Transportation & Parking Services $229,3452020
UVM Electric Lawn Equipment PilotFund commercial electric lawn mower for Physical Plant Department (PPD) pilot and student intern for data analysis.Niels Arentzen, GSB; VT Clean Cities Coalition; Transportation & Parking Services$16,9002020

Zero Emissions Residence Hall Organics Collection

Covers one-time, up-front cost of purchasing an e-assist bicycle and trailer for compost collection at 23 residence halls.Corey Berman, Program Manager, UVM Recycling$6,000.2019
Allen House Electric Vehicle Charging StationInstall an EV Charging Station by University Building Allen House to further prepare UVM for increased number of Electric Vehicles around campusGioia Thompson$22,5632019

Howe Library Stack Light Renovation: Phase 2

Replace outdated, non-LED/CFL lighting above the book shelves on the 2nd floor of the Howe library with motion-sensor activated LEDs.Aidan Doherty CAS, Political Science and and Rich Wolbach, Energy Manager$40,0002019

Shower Timer Provision to On-Campus Residents

Provide shower timers for up to 500 on-campus students to reduce water and energy use, thus reducing carbon emissions.Zach Merson, Undergrad, Natural Resources, RSENR $3,5952019
Updated Interpretive Signage for Existing Renewable Energy InstallationsUpdate the signage near the central heating plant to
describe the solar panels on the building and signage near the Bergey wind turbine.
Erica Spiegel, Physical Plant Dept.$3,1002019
Green Labs - Refrigerator & Freezer MaintenanceThis pilot program replaces some of the College of Medicine's fridge and freezers and evaluated the reduction in costs and emissions. If promising, the relative departments have promised to replace the remaining machines, train employees in proper maintenance, and endeavor to create a campus standard of efficacy.Michael Lane$38,7982018
Garden Solar ShedBuild a demonstration garden shed near Jefford's Hall with
solar panels which would charge electrical lawn and garden equipment.
Mark Starrett, CALS$14,0502018
Phase 1: Covered Bike ParkingA feasibility study to determine where covered bike shelters should be built on campus and what the related costs and benefits would be.Jim Barr, Abby Bleything, TPS; students$18,7002018
RSENR Net-ZeroThe Rubenstien School requested funding to run an audit and convert facilities within Aiken, Bittersweet, and the Rubenstein Lab to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from these buildings.Gary Hawley, Jon Erickson, RSENR$3,0002018
Bailey-Howe lightingFunding the replacement of the main campus library's 1st floor's lighting system to save 80,000 kWh per year. This is a pilot to determine if it can be replicated on other floors.Aidan Doherty$38,0002017
Bike ShareSupport the launching of the Greenride Bikeshare (in cooperation with Champlain College and CATMA) and ensure the installation of several bike hubs on campus for student useAbby Bleything, Jim Barr, TPS$83,0002017
No IdlingPurchase and install an emissions managing system (IdleRight) which will be used on campus emergency vehicles to reduce the various effects of idling while on patrol.Abby Bleything, Zach Borst, TRC$10,0002017
Bike shelter for first-year residential hall Luce Hillman, Michael Pelletier, Physical Plant$100,0002016
Building energy tracking & savings software  $120,0002014
Improve bicycle access at UVM Jim Barr, Doug Connelly, TPS$32,0002014
UVM electric vehicle charging station feasibility study Michelle McCutcheon-Schour, TRC$5,1002014
Johnson House renewable energy feasibility review Michelle Smith; Gund Institute$5,5002014
UVM central heat plant - solar array upgrade & optimizationThis was a two-phase project that involved upgrading existing solar panels and the installation of additional solar panels.Rich Wollach, Physical Plant, Capital Planning & Management$131,3442013
UVM/community biomass feasibility study Gioia Thompson, Capital Planning & Management, UVM Medical Center, Burlington District Energy Service, Burlington Electric Department$26,8192013
Virtualized desktop computer lab in Kalkin Thomas Chittenden, Michelle Smith, School of Business, Enterprise Technology Services$24,8652012
Comprehensive campus renewable energy feasibility studyThis feasibility study analyzed locations where potential renewable energy technology could be installed on UVM’s campus. The study is a tool for the CEF and key stakeholders for future decision-making and to guide future renewable energy installation projects.Michelle Smith, Capital Planning$63,0302011
Green labs program Francis Churchill, TSP$60,6632011
Equine Center solar photovoltaic systemThis project involved the installation of 134 solar panels mounted on the roof of the equine center barn. They generate 8.5% of the research farm's electricity needs.Dr. Josie Davis, CAS$86,3402010
Aiken solar trackersThe installation of 17 solar trackers on UVM property located on Spear Street which feed into the UVM power grid and contribute to Aiken's LEED certification.Gary Hawley, RSENR$200,0002010
Solar power & smart grid lab at Votey Dr. Paul Hines, Dr. Jeff Frolik, CEMS$27,0002010
Biomass feasibility study for Trinity campus Gioia Thompson; Physical Plant$1,8242010